Beds for three children: suitable options for a small room

Currently, the presence of three children in the family is far from uncommon. A big family is fashionable and modern, and parents with many children today are not sad people showered with life, but smart and positive-minded, mobile and often very young couples. However, there are not that many families who could provide a separate room (and a bed) for each of the three children. In addition, often children themselves do not want to exist separately from each other until adolescence. Most parents have to have the kids in the same room, and, of course, the first question that arises: how will they sleep?

Popular models

If a room with a large area is allocated for the children’s bedroom, there will be no problems with the placement of individual beds.If the room can not boast of volume, then, most likely, you will need a multi-level design. This kind of models in the furniture market today is quite a lot, due to the high demand. There are corner stacked and flat beds. Let us consider in more detail what modern manufacturers offer.


It is more than realistic to arrange three beds on two tiers. At the bottom there can be two beds of the same size, and on the second “floor” one or vice versa. If there are two sleeping places on top, they form something like a loft for the lower tier, so you can place bookshelves or toy boxes at the bottom.

The tiers can go along the wall or be arranged with the letter “G”, then the design is conveniently placed in the corner of the room.


Such models are the place in a small room, but there is a nuance: the ceiling in it should be higher than the standard one. Otherwise, the child sleeping on the top “floor” will be very uncomfortable. The design of such models may be different: either all tiers are located one above the other, or, for example, a cross-wise, angle.


Interesting beds, "folding beds." In essence, they when assembled are an angular sofa with parts of the same length. At night, another level rolls out - a bed. There are also bunk beds with a retractable extra bottom "shelf".

"Matryoshka" is the name of the bed-dresser, in which all three tiers gather in the daytime. When it comes time to sleep, each of the "shelves" is pushed one after the other, so that all three berths form a kind of ladder. This design saves space in any room. However, children take it one by one, and if someone has a habit of waking up at night, he risks getting out of bed to wake up the others.

Choosing any of the sliding models, you should take care of flooring in the nursery. It should be such as not to deteriorate due to frequent unfolding of the bed. If the carpet is carpeted, it is necessary to arrange it in such a way that it does not roll down and does not create problems when the child breaks the bed himself.


Of course, if the area of ​​the room allows, it is better when each of the children sleeps on a separate bed.First, it removes the eternal problem of choosing who will sleep in which place. Secondly, each child can sleep without disturbing the rest of the children (for example, getting off the top tier in the matryoshka bed, it is easy to wake everyone up).

Beds can be angled along walls or as fantasy suggests. If you stay on models equipped with drawers for clothes, toys and shelves for books, you can save space, since you will not need additional dressers and bedside tables.

Requirements for children's furniture

It doesn't matter if you choose a bed for one child, for two or for three, any piece of children's furniture must meet a number of requirements. Tips for choosing a model (or models) should begin with functional properties, not decorative.

  • The material from which the cot is made should be environmentally friendly, safe, durable and durable. Even the minimum level of its toxicity is unacceptable. This also applies to the mattress and its filler.
  • The design of the model should also be safe - sharp corners, protruding springs, levers are excluded.
  • You should not buy a bed "close to" the growth of the child, otherwise very soon it will become small for all children.It is better to take care of that it “suffices” for several years, even taking into account the intensive growth of any of the three (or all at once).
  • If children are small, each tier of a multi-level structure should be equipped with sides so that the child does not fall down during sleep or play.
  • The baby should be comfortable in bed. It is the voices of the children in this situation that are decisive, and if the parents do not want to explain every night why the child needs to sleep in his crib, it is better to listen if the children are for some reason against purchasing a particular model.
  • The mattress should be perfectly fixed, its mobility is unacceptable. Lay the mattress in a specially provided recess. In addition, it must be orthopedic and contribute to the formation of correct posture.
  • The mattress should have the necessary rigidity, it should not be knobs, holes. If you decide to purchase a mattress on the springs, it is better if all the springs are autonomous.
  • Children under 5 years old should not sleep on the upper tiers.
  • If one of the children likes to read, it makes sense to take care of individual lighting of the bed. Then the child will be able to indulge in passion without fear of spoiling the vision.

How to fit a cot into the overall style?

If the children are same-sex, then, as a rule, it is easier to determine the style of the room. Boys prefer adventures, cars, robots, it’s enough for them to choose simple and functional models, and to reflect individual preferences of each person in the design of the most sleeping place: for a Spider-Man fan to cover him with an idol, and for those who are crazy about space, bed linen with a starry sky map. If all three have similar interests, then decorating the room of such unanimous young people will not be difficult for parents.

Girls (especially if they do not have a big difference in age) are very good for beds-locks. A room where three little princesses live will perfectly complement this model. If because of the area of ​​the room there is no possibility to put such a bed, you can support the castle's style with textiles - bedding, pillows, bedspreads, curtains.

If children are heterosexual, it will be more difficult for them to agree on what their common bed will be. Perhaps it makes sense to think about autonomous sleeping places for everyone, and if this is not possible, make the bed neutral, allowing the children to decorate it themselves in accordance with their hobbies and interests.

Do not deprive each of the children of personal space, even if they are in the same room. Perhaps the best way out of this situation will be zoning of the room, if its area allows it. The section of the room for each of the children, separated by furniture or partitions, or simply painted in different colors or shades of the same color, will help to create a personal space even in the most spacious place.

An overview of the original cot for three children, see below.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
