Togas Blankets

It is sometimes very difficult to choose a warm, high-quality and beautiful blanket at the same time. To simplify the task will help blanket Togas, combining all these qualities.

Product Features

Togas is a famous home textile brand originally from Greece. Its history began in 1926 with the foundation of a small sewing workshop specializing in clothing for military personnel. The founding father of the company was Ilias Togas.

Over time, the company retrained in the manufacture of textiles for the home and reached a new level of production. The very first series of bed linen with rich embroidery from Togas impressed buyers, and the company won their trust. Every year the company continued to increase capacity and expand its range. By the time it appeared on the Russian market in 1993, it was already one of the largest firms in Greece.

Currently, under the Togas brand, several brands successfully develop, producing about 3 thousand product items, among which blankets occupy a significant place.

One of the main characteristics of the blankets of the Greek brand is their relatively high price.

But for this price, the buyer receives:

  • high quality;
  • original and aesthetic appearance;
  • durability, reliability and durability.

In addition, in a wide range of products, everyone can choose the most suitable option that will satisfy the tastes of the owner and perfectly fit into the interior of any room.


The variety of blankets Togas is divided into three large groups:

  • Lungs. In the model range are lightweight and warmer options. External covers of such blankets are sewn from natural flax and cotton, tensel (eucalyptus fibers, subjected to nano-processing) and silk. Often used cambric and satin. One of the latest innovations is a bamboo-cotton blanket. Bamboo fibers give the material unique qualities. Such a blanket not only guarantees a comfortable sleep and rest, but also complete relaxation, increasing the overall tone,accelerating the process of cell regeneration.
  • All-season. For their tailoring most often used satin, jacquard or cambric sheath. You can also find silk covers. Inside - natural fillers that can warm in any weather.
  • Warm. Products consisting of warm fillers, hidden under a cover of durable batis.

A special category is the anti-stress blankets, the cover of which is made of microfiber, enriched with carbon with the addition of silver and copper filaments. In contact with the human body, such tissue removes a static charge, promotes muscle relaxation and proper regulation of the body's biocurrents.

All materials used are hypoallergenic and safe for both adults and children.

As for the size, most models can have several size options at once: from 140x200 cm to 220x240 cm.


Togas uses the following materials to fill blankets:

  • Selected Goose Downmaking products incredibly light and warm. In addition, it does not smell, does not cause irritation and allergies, microbes and bacteria do not multiply in it.
  • Wool. The most commonly used wool is sheep grown in ecologically clean regions. Thanks to gentle processing methods, wool retains all its best qualities and helps to create the optimum temperature during sleep. Instead of sheep's wool, camel can sometimes be used, which has numerous advantages due to its high lanolin content.
  • Silk. The material used as a filler differs in its properties and qualities from that used for sewing covers. For filling blankets manufacturer uses expensive grade Mulberry silk, obtained from a special type of silkworm.
  • Cotton. 100% natural, thin and elastic filler, which gives the product excellent thermostatic properties.
  • Microfibre Breathable hypoallergenic material, light and easy to use, non-absorbent and dust-repellent.

The most popular series of blankets of the Greek brand are the Daily and Classic. In the models of the first series, eucalyptus fibers are used as a filler, in the second - Angora wool with antibacterial impregnation of aloe vera.


Numerous customer reviews about Togas products indicate that these blankets are really very popular. And also that all the quality declared by the manufacturer is quite true. Many consumers, having familiarized themselves with the products, fearlessly buy it for young children. At the same time, parents are confident that sleeping under such a blanket will be safe, comfortable and useful for the baby.

Buyers are especially noted that under the Togas blankets there is no hot or cold, as they perfectly regulate the temperature, letting in air and absorbing moisture. And, of course, customers appreciate the strength and durability of products that fully justify their price.

How to choose the perfect blanket, see below.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
