Bath area 4 to 5: the subtleties of planning

Living outside the city in your home has many advantages: fresh air, lack of city noise and much more. An important role here is played by the presence of a good bath area of ​​4x5 m. This is the ideal solution for a country private household.

With these parameters, you can arrange and arrange all the necessary furniture and equipment to make the room as comfortable and functional as possible.

Special features

Baths 4 by 5 meters - this is the most acceptable format for a family of 4-6 people. Construction begins with the selection and preparation of the site, drawing up the project.

The bath consists of such premises:

  • steam room;
  • washing up;
  • waiting room.

Most often, logs are used for building walls, so it should be borne in mind that the inner space will be somewhat smaller than the outer space for the thickness of the logs.

It is also possible to use materials:

  • timber;
  • stones;
  • shell rock;
  • cinder blocks;
  • foam concrete.

Most often the object is erected from a timber or log with a thickness of 25 cm, cut into a “bowl”, the internal dimensions of the room will be only about 15 square meters.


Making the project, it is recommended not to forget about the important nuances. The layout is divided into two main rooms.

In one, a rest room is made, in the second one there are:

  • steam room;
  • shower;
  • restroom.

The size of the rooms inside do not have to be the same. It all depends on the will of the homeowner.

For a compact arrangement, the furnace is equipped with a wall near the rest room. You can also place the unit in any part of the object, this is a purely voluntary matter. It is important that fire safety at the same time be at the proper height.

The furnace is installed with the output of the furnace door in the waiting room.

An important detail is the vestibule, its presence makes it possible to:

  • keep warm in the winter season;
  • saving free space in other rooms.

In the process of designing a 5x4 m bath, essential details must be kept in mind:

  • the entrance can be done from any side, it is connected with various features of the site planning and the object itself;
  • the space between the main house and the bath is made at a minimum distance;
  • the distance between the rooms should be minimal;
  • the sewage pipe should be as close as possible to the sewer;
  • Most often, the steam room is more spacious than the shower.

    The sink is equipped, in the steam room itself there is a wood or electric stove. Shelves with a width of at least 50 centimeters are being made indoors. Separately, you can make a toilet.

    Thus, 4x5 meters is enough to make a good bath., space for this may well be enough. The neighboring room is heated by heat coming from the steam room.

    The second option is the construction and arrangement of the house-bath. This option is popular. You can make a porch and a terrace of 140 x 390 cm in size, which is enough to fit the whole family with guests at the same table.

    A dressing room really make a very multi-functional. You can:

    • store firewood;
    • change clothes;
    • relaxing, watching tv or singing karaoke.

    Be sure to sheathe the wall with refractory material; the place where the stove stands is sheathed with stainless steel, whose thickness is at least 2 mm. In such a compact bath, you can arrange a small shower and toilet.Installing a small vestibule never hurts, it can be either in front of the changing room or in front of the steam room.

    The advantages of the veranda are obvious:

    • it can be an ideal place to relax during the warmer months;
    • wide shelter and the presence of windows can solve problems if the weather is inclement.

    It is important when designing a bath to calculate the size of each room. It is necessary to consider when planning: how many people will be simultaneously in the room. If 2-3 people bathe, then a steam room of not more than 5 square meters will be enough.

    A dressing room is convenient to use for placing in it a table and chairs, as well as a TV and a refrigerator. Some homeowners even put on a microwave.

    A waiting room is calculated according to this rule: one person - not less than 1.2 square meters of free space.

    Often in the waiting room put a window - glass, to improve air circulation. The door leading from the steam room to the dressing room should open toward the dressing room.

    Washing room is an important room in which there must be both cold and hot water. The water can be heated using a water heater that is in contact with the furnace.

    The calculation is done on one square meter per person. It is also rational to place a shower cabin in the sink.

    The main factors that influence the design of the room:

    • furnace dimensions and its technical features;
    • the distance between the stove and the surrounding objects in the room;
    • the number of people who can simultaneously be present in the room;
    • sizes of shelves and their location.

    Speaking about the calculation of an average of one square meter per person, it should be borne in mind that this area does not include square meters, which are occupied by various objects located in the steam room, as well as aisles. The height of the steam room is about two meters.

    Such parameters give the chance for the maximum heating of the small room.

    It is desirable that the room in length and width exceed two meters. Shelves are often made even more than one meter, with a length of 2.2 meters. These sizes allow you to comfortably accommodate almost anyone.

    In the absence of sufficient space, you can make "seats", the width of which is about 50 cm.

    The main parameters of the project bath 4 x 5 meters, protected from wind and rain:

    • area on the external base - 20 m2;
    • internal area - 12 m2;
    • veranda - 3 m2;
    • steam room - 5 m2
    • washing - 4,3 m2;
    • waiting room - 3.5 m2.

    We see that the 4x5 m bath plan is easy to do. But you can buy a bath already finished, it will cost around 500 thousand rubles, but this does not include the price of finishing and insulation.


    It is possible to build a bath as from blocks, so from a brick or a bar. Inside the object is allowed to finish materials only from wood.

    It is better to think of something better than wood, it ideally corresponds to sanitary standards with the actual existence of high humidity and high temperature:

    • wood is human-friendly and does not emit toxins;
    • has excellent thermal conductivity;
    • has a low coefficient of expansion.

    Paired are most often faced with linden or cedar.

    The tree identifies useful components that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Especially this statement applies to linden: it has healing properties. Lipa does not lose its shape and color, which makes it possible to exploit it for a long time.

    Now it is fashionable to trim a special tree - abashi, lining from this material optimally meets all requirements.

    Abashi is a tree that grows in the tropics. Its distinctive qualities are low thermal conductivity, which allows for a long time to keep warm in the bath. The material has a yellowish color scheme and a dense texture, the decoration of the walls of the room from Abachi looks very advantageous.

    Cedar is another valuable material that can be effectively used for facing the steam room. Essential oils that wood emits, a beneficial effect on the human body, at the same time they are an effective antiseptic.

    The material behaves well in harsh temperature conditions. Cedar smells good, warming, it exudes beneficial essential oils. Buying distillation from cedar, you should keep in mind: the tree can liberate resin.

    It makes sense to purchase for the highest quality steam bath, not treated with chemicals.

    Suitable for headlining in the steam larch. It is better not to do overlaps from needles. If heated resin in the steam room drips onto those present, it can cause burns.

    It is advisable not to forget that the steam room is an extreme temperature and high humidity.therefore, the finishing material must be purchased of the highest quality, it is not worth saving on it.

    Boards are not painted with any "chemistry" or varnishes, at high temperatures it is possible to release toxins. Doing the steam room, it is recommended to think about waterproofing, this is one of the surest ways to maintain the desired temperature as long as possible.

    It is good to use for this purpose a special material: mineral wool and foil-coated coating, in which there are at the same time the properties of the insulation and an effective vapor barrier.

    If there is a desire to save money, then instead of expensive steam wall materials it is permissible to sheathe aspen.

    A floor for a bath do both concrete, and wooden. The tree will, of course, more quickly "fail." If the choice is on a wooden floor, then it is more rational to use a grooved board, in the extreme case - edged.


    The interior of the rest room can be very different, it all depends on the fantasy of the homeowner. Now Scandinavian style is in fashion, which is distinguished by its minimalism and simplicity.

    Some prefer the delights in the modern style. The presence of a wide selection of different materials make it possible to arrange the room of the bath in any style. Often in the rest rooms can be found stone and wood. If you make a bath in the Russian style, then you can not do without a large number of wooden surfaces. It is more rational to use more than one type of wood in the finishing.

    If you build a chopped bath, it can have a very original look. In this case, wooden logs should be processed, this will be enough. Brick and stone are not afraid of high temperatures, so the presence of such materials in the baths is far from uncommon.

    Partitions are often made of red brick.It looks quite acceptable. Red brick and facing of it is now in vogue.

    Often the walls are trimmed with ceramic tiles, this is also a very practical material. The choice of tiles on the market is very large, to find what is needed is a solvable task. Recently, more and more often they began to finish the floors and walls with porcelain stoneware, which is stronger than tile, this material is also in great demand.

    Beautiful examples

    Interesting examples of baths can be seen in the following photos:

    • Bath from a natural tree. Original original image.
    • An example of a log in the Russian style.
    • Sample of a bath from a rounded log

    How to warm the ceiling in the bath, see the following video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

    Entrance hall

    Living room
