Choose front frost-resistant paint

Since the facade paintwork materials are intended for exterior work, they must meet fairly stringent requirements. High-quality coatings provide aesthetic appearance of the facade, protect it from various external influences. Choosing a suitable paintwork material for outdoor work, you need to take into account a variety of factors, including climate, operating conditions. Most often, residents of Russia are interested in purchasing frost-resistant winter paint.

Special features

It is worth noting immediately that frost-resistant paints and varnishes are not a kind of coloring compositions. Resistance to low temperatures is a working quality that is inherent in a variety of colors.Frost-resistant materials may vary in composition, characteristics, but they have a common advantage.

Such diversity usually does not cause serious problems. To choose the most suitable paintwork material, you need to understand the features of certain types of paints that are resistant to low temperatures.

In general, frost resistance refers to the ability of a coating to tolerate cold, while maintaining working qualities. This property is very valuable, because in some regions frost in winter is very strong. However, frost-resistant facade paints should have other qualities:

  • differ elasticity, which provides compensation for the movements resulting from fluctuations or shrinkage of the soil;
  • prevent fluid from entering the walls;
  • remove steam from walls (water in wall materials can freeze, which leads to their destruction);
  • differ high decorative qualities.


There are different types of paints that are resistant to low temperatures. The most common ones are:

  • oil;
  • silicate;
  • water based;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone.

This is an approximate list. Manufacturers of paints and varnishes constantly offer various new items, so the list of paints, which are characterized by resistance to low temperatures, does not cease to be supplemented.

Many use special antifreeze additives that allow working with materials at low temperatures. They can be added not only in paint, but also in plaster, primer. The advantages of such additives are the absence of odor, colorlessness.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since frost-resistant paints are very different, it is difficult to identify certain pros and cons of such coatings. However, the unconditional advantages of high-quality materials protecting surfaces from the effects of low temperatures can be noted:

  • long service life;
  • increased vapor permeability;
  • water resistance;
  • strength.

The disadvantage is the high cost of high-quality cold-resistant paints and varnishes. However, this minus is very relative, if we are talking about a good paint.


There are many companies that specialize in the production of dyes resistant to low temperatures. It is worth highlighting the manufacturers that are most popular among consumers:

  • Tikkurila. These paints are suitable both for surfaces indoors, and for front walls. Tikkurila offers paints and varnishes that combine well with porous aerated concrete and concrete. Paints are absorbed into the surface in the shortest possible time. The consumption of weather-resistant paint should be determined taking into account the roughness of the substrate. The manufacturer has long been offering consumers a variety of frost-resistant water-based coloring compositions:
    1. silicate;
    2. latex;
    3. water dispersion;
    4. acrylic;
    5. water emulsion.

This manufacturer offers color formulations. For the application of Tikkurila paints, a roller, a brush is usually used, but the properties of these materials are such that you can also choose a spray gun.

  • Dulux. This company is engaged in the production of acrylic coloring compositions that are resistant to low temperatures. This coating "breathes", it provides reliable protection of the surface from various external influences. The facades painted with materials from Dulux, differ in the increased esthetics.
  • "Optimist". In the paints and varnishes from this manufacturer there are components of imported and domestic production. For the application of such coloring compositions, many use a spray gun. The manufacturer offers water-based paints and varnishes. These compounds are easy to apply, the layer is always quite smooth. "Optimist" pleases consumers with a large number of shades of coloring materials. Optimist paints are suitable for application to cement, brick, aerated concrete surfaces.

Such coatings are ideal for the climate of Russia. They are characterized by increased resistance not only to low temperatures, but also to various atmospheric influences. These paints are durable and economical in terms of consumption.

  • Caparol. Antifreeze paints and varnishes from this manufacturer have gained great popularity because they are of very high quality and can protect surfaces from even the most severe cold. The range of colors of Caparol paints is very wide. At the same time, the company annually releases new items, makes paintwork materials more perfect.
  • Pufas. Products from this company are not so popular, however, it has certain advantages.The surface under such a coating "breathes", these paints and varnishes are different hiding power, resistance to various atmospheric influences.

Features of use

Since there are many types of frost-resistant paintwork materials, only general recommendations that concern any similar coloring compositions:

  • Before applying the paint, it is necessary to prepare the base. Inspect the surface, make sure it is free from defects. Remove old paint, peeling plaster.
  • In the presence of defects carry out their elimination. To get rid of the flaws, use a putty. Remember that any chosen product should be combined with a finishing coating, otherwise the paint will not adhere well to the surface.
  • Before applying the paint, it is necessary to wait for the surface to completely dry.
  • Paintwork can be applied only if the weather conditions are suitable. On the street should not be strong wind, rain.
  • It is necessary to apply the coloring composition with the help of an easy-to-use and highest-quality tool.
  • When painting should take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer of the paint material. Remember that the paint consumption may exceed the specified, so buy a painting composition with a margin.
  • It should be borne in mind that the coating should be completely dry before applying the next layer of paint material. With excessive rush, you ruin the coating, and the foundation will have to be repainted. This will lead to additional expenses.

Facade paints that are resistant to the effects of low temperatures are ideal for use in the Russian climate. They are distinguished by durability, ability to maintain their properties, and are well combined with a variety of surfaces. At the same time, modern coatings are aesthetic: facades painted with such materials look very beautiful.With the help of these paints you can emphasize your individuality and good taste.

In the next video you will find a review of facade paints.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
