How to make a glowing paint at home?

The most frequent request from people who want to transform their space and think about cosmetic repairs is luminous paint. Many have heard about what it is and actively use it in their homes.

It is applied to the walls, ceiling or things in the interior, adding individuality to your home. So, during the day the room looks normal, but at night it turns into a real fairy-tale house with stars on the ceiling or beautiful flowers located on the walls.


The paint has a number of advantages: it is durable, unpretentious in care and easy to apply, and the effect is staggering. This is a great alternative to night lights. It is economical: the paint is gaining energy from daylight, and at night it gives it up and thus glows.

It is especially popular when used in children's rooms., because you can create comfort, a sense of comfort and safety. Children, as a rule, are afraid of the dark, and with beautiful luminous patterns it is easier for them to fall asleep, they feel calm.

Considering various drawings, the child quickly calms down and falls asleep, which greatly influences his imagination and development of creative abilities.

This paint is popular not only in construction, but also in various types of creativity - be it the creation of a painting or the decoration of various objects.

This will add a touch of magic to any subject or process.

What a wonderful paint?

Paint that will transform any object due to luminescence is of two types - luminescent (also called luminous) and fluorescent. They are often confused by making a big mistake.

Consider the characteristics that distinguish them:

  • Fluorescent paint is able to glow only under the direct influence of ultraviolet rays, which is why it requires special lamps.
  • Fluorescent paint can glow itself.

It is about the latter that will be discussed now - this is the easiest way to transform space. No additional sources are required.


The name of the paint comes from the word "luminescence", which means the ability of a particular substance to glow with its own energy. Special pigments, which are called “phosphors”, are responsible for this process. It is they who accumulate in themselves energy in the daytime from the sun or from artificial lighting, and at night they delight our eye with its radiance.

This process of receiving light during the day, and giving back at night is like a perpetual motion machine; it can work for many years. All that is required is to apply paint to the surface, and then the processes are activated independently.

Interestingly, energy is produced not only from bright sunlight, but also from any other source (flashlight, lamp, moonlight).

As for the duration of action, 15 minutes of "recharging" at an artificial light source give energy for 10 hours of work in the dark with a gradual decrease in brightness.

The phosphor is a stable substance both physically and chemically., able to hold out on the facade of the building for more than 30 years, what to speak about the internal surfaces. You can adjust the brightness of the glow by increasing or decreasing the concentration of pigments.

The choice of the type of paint between fluorescent and fluorescent is yours. By principle, they are similar, differ only in the independence of the glow. Pay attention to the fact that the latter contain in its composition phosphorus, which is dangerous to human health. If they are used, then only for work outside the building. The phosphor materials are almost completely safe.

Why is it needed?

Such paint is in demand in the decoration of rooms, interior elements or even a wardrobe - you just need to apply it to the surface. In addition to the already known phosphor, transparent lacquer is included in its composition. It is the basis of the material. Depending on its properties, there are paints for any surface - whether it be wallpaper, metal or plastic, ceramics or glass, wood or plaster - there are many options.

Fluorescent paint is actively used in the following areas:

  • when painting an internal coating;
  • when decorating individual interior items;
  • in clothes (professional clothes, wardrobe decoration);
  • in road markings;
  • in improving cars;
  • in the manufacture of advertising and decorative products (souvenirs, photos, mugs, t-shirts, key rings, badges, magnets);
  • in the show industry (screens for light shows);
  • in the beauty industry (nail polish, pigment shadows);
  • in the works (to create decoupage, glowing sand, stones, paintings, jewelry and gifts).

Moreover, it is possible to apply this composition even on fresh flowers or on the face when applying a makeup. Imagine what a platform for creativity.

Main types

All coloring compositions are divided into two categories:

  • Colorless paints, which are made on the basis of a completely colorless varnish. They can be safely applied over any pattern on the subject.
  • Colored - paint, having in its composition an additional coloring pigment - such as Kohler. During the day, they cannot be distinguished from ordinary paint, and at night they appear and begin to glow.

In addition, emit more types of paints, depending on the properties and characteristics:

  • Acrylic emulsions. They are completely safe and dry quickly. They can be used both in floristics and when applying makeup.
  • Polyurethane and mineral enamels. Used mainly for plastic.
  • Heat resistant paint - can heat up to 500 degrees, so they are suitable for both glass and metal.
  • Waterproof paints - create a special waterproof film, due to which they are actively used in bathrooms and swimming pools.

How to make yourself?

To get a glowing paint, not necessarily rush to the store. We can create it ourselves. There are two options - you can prepare the paint or from the finished phosphor or completely from scratch. Let's start with the first option.

Phosphor Production

You can buy a phosphor in a hardware store or order it online. It is not cheap, but it needs very little: 100g of the substance is able to paint 8 square meters of surface. Basically, the price depends only on the selected color. Light pigments (beige, light green) cost a little less, and brighter (blue, green) cost more.

It is also worth remembering that the varnish should be selected under the surface that we will paint.

Paint preparation method:

  • Pour the varnish into the container.
  • Add phosphor powder based on the proportion of 70% varnish to 30% coloring pigment.
  • Do not forget to add a solvent - no more than 1%.
  • Mix thoroughly.
  • If necessary, add color to give us the desired shade.

Finished paint can be safely used and stored in the same way as varnishes of this type.

Making fluorescent paint from scratch

If you did not find the phosphor of the desired shade or you want to conduct an independent experience, you should be patient. The process will be more complicated and long. It will be necessary to put more effort, time, and also to find special reagents. But the result is not long in coming.

Here the main component will be coniferous extract, depending on its concentration, we will get the desired glow effect.

To create paint, we need:

  • heat-resistant dishes with a wide bottom;
  • coniferous extract;
  • boric acid.

Manufacturing method at home:

  • In a separate container we dilute the coniferous concentrate with water at a ratio of 1:50. The resulting solution should be a yellow tint.
  • Pour 3 g of boric acid in a bakeware.
  • We drop in powder 10 drops of the resulting coniferous solution.
  • Thoroughly mix the resulting mixture and distribute according to the day of dishes so that the layer was not thicker than 4 mm.
  • Put the dishes on the stove and turn on a small fire.
  • The water will begin to evaporate, and the mixture will melt, and small bubbles will appear on the surface - we pierce them.
  • After the mixture is completely melted, remove it from the heat and leave it to cool completely at room temperature.
  • Prick crust frozen into powder - this is the resulting phosphor. We mix it with a varnish and solvent according to the recipe given above.

As you see, it is not very difficult to make glowing paint yourself, the main thing is desire and diligence.

Fluorescent dye - an easy way to change a boring design, update thing and bring change. Moreover, it is a modern and unusual way of self-expression, perfectly suitable for creativity, decorative and other needs.

To learn how to make a glowing paint at home using a new recipe, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
