Glowing paint: types and application

Manufacturers of paints and varnishes offered consumers a new solution for the design and decoration of premises. The use of luminous paint in the interior will transform a dim and inconspicuous room. Ordinary objects will be filled with magic, will be the inspiration for fashion ideas and ideas.

Special features

On the shelves of specialty stores, you can find fluorescent paints that are able to accumulate daylight or artificial light (for example, from room light bulbs), and emit it at night, creating bright accents on painted surfaces. The service life can be very long. High profitability, the ability to not apply repeated layers - all this increases the demand, and sales volumes increase.Phosphor is a pigment that accumulates and releases light energy. It takes only 20 minutes to "recharge" for the eight-hour glow. Shimmering powder is resistant to atmospheric changes, has permanent properties, which allows its use for all types of finishes. Depending on what varnish it is combined with, determine the area of ​​application and the period of operation.

The duration and concentration of light depends on:

  • pigments used;
  • illumination;
  • light exposure time;
  • base layer colors.

With prolonged use, some species may be hazardous to health, since they contain toxic components. Fluorescent dyes require special handling.

  • Work in well ventilated areas;
  • protective equipment required: glasses, hats, gloves, masks;
  • if vapors enter the airways, it is necessary to immediately go to the hospital;
  • getting material into the eyes can lead to disastrous consequences. It is necessary to rinse them with plenty of water, as well as immediately consult a doctor;
  • if the paint is in the stomach, the water will help remove it, clean the organs.

High price - the main drawback of the material.


There is no official classification of the product, but several types are distinguished according to the type of active ingredient.


Glow appears only under ultraviolet lamps. The effect disappears after they are turned off. Used in cafes and discos, as well as used for painting cars. Allows you to perform invisible pictures with a reviving plot. Spray cans are ideal for painting cars, bicycles, motorcycles.

Polyacrylic and soda base paint does not pose a danger to human life. Used on items from different materials. To work on a flattened and degreased surface, you will need a brush or roller. The most popular colors are green, yellow, and red.


It ranks first in the sales ranking. To flicker colored objects throughout the night, fifteen minutes of light accumulation is enough. Lights 12-18 hours, gradually fading. Sunlight and UV lamps “charge” the paint the fastest. An alternative to the light charge is heat. A hot battery can be an extraordinary nightlight with an infinitely long and unique glow.

Alkyd polyurethane compounds - the basis. The absence of harmful substances makes it possible to use the solution for finishing the interior surfaces of apartments, furniture, in landscape design, in floristics, to apply it to theatrical makeup, painting of costumes and scenery. Improving safety at industrial and construction sites, reducing accidents on the roads are the undoubted advantages of the introduction of luminescent paint in various spheres of life. When used, it is afraid of moisture.

Fluorescent fluorescent

It has two types of glow due to its universal composition. Used in the exterior. For the street, a heat-resistant, resistant to friction, temperature changes and aggressive environments is recommended. Paint on metal protects against corrosion. Stained glass paints create a glossy film, do not require firing, do not turn white after drying.


Popular paint based on phosphorus glows in the dark. Negative effect on the body. Increasing the dose will lead to intoxication, nausea, weakness, dizziness. Prolonged contact with the substance affects the functioning of the heart, lungs, and can cause death. Applies only to street work.Its advantage is that it accumulates light in 10 minutes. For decorating stained glass, glass, ceramic tiles, phosphorizing paint is used - a source of inspiration for a creative person.


The technology of creation allows the use of both artificial and natural materials as the basis. Non-thermal luminescence of substances received the name "luminescence".

The varieties of luminescence and the substances by which it arises are as follows:

  • fluorescence: quinine, rhodamine, eosin, acridine dyes;
  • phosphorescence: zinc sulfide, strontium aluminate;
  • chemiluminescence: oxidation of white phosphorus;
  • bioluminescence: a chemical reaction in some organisms that allows them to glow from within;
  • radioluminescence: radiation of radioactive substances;
  • electroluminescence: a phenomenon generated by an electric field.

There are two types of phosphors:

  • Living origin. This includes secondary naphthol acid, a feature of which is the ability to create short-term flashes;
  • Inorganic origin. To this type can be attributed to the composition of phosphorus crystals with the effect of constant luminescence.

The paint contains concentrated and matte dye:

  • Water based. Inexpensive, without fetid odor, is not washed off in the process of precipitation.
  • Alkyd based. Resistant to mechanical stress, cleaning agents, during operation releases toxic fumes.

The composition of the dye affects the operation:

  • High adhesion paints are suitable for plastic;
  • water based - harmless and quick-drying options;
  • heat resistant suitable for hot glass, metal, because they can withstand temperatures of 400 degrees;
  • sealed create a water-repellent shell on the baths, pools.


There are two degrees of transparency:

  • transparent (colorless) - paint with a blue or green tint, invisible during the day;
  • the color variety in daylight does not differ from the usual paint, and radiates a glow at night. It has different shades.

Fluorescent paint can have various saturated shades:

  • citric;
  • yellow;
  • Violet;
  • mustard;
  • red;
  • brown.

Black and white matte paint does not shine in the ultraviolet rays, but allow you to perform the shadows in the drawings.

Fluorescent coatings can be:

  • green;
  • orange;
  • blue;
  • yellow.


Innovative production technology of luminous paint, its properties and color range - all this brings bright accents to human life.

It is used for the following purposes:

  • for an art list of walls, ceilings of entertainment centers and youth recreation areas. Surfaces can be made of dense and porous materials (brick, concrete, wallpaper);
  • improving the appearance of nondescript furniture, paintings, interior items;
  • the creation of glowing makeup for the body and face, the production of nail polishes;
  • decoration of natural and artificial flowers and other floral elements;
  • coloring of theatrical outfits, costumes, accessories;
  • blotches in advertising stickers, notebooks, posters;
  • spectacular drawings on the body, caps, helmets, frames emphasize the individuality of the motorist, and also form on the metal a glossy sheath resistant to the action of oils, detergents, solvents;
  • increased safety on roads and in hazardous technical areas;
  • street (front) decoration of houses, old premises;
  • decor glass, porcelain, ceramics (vases, glasses, glasses, ashtrays);
  • production of luminous mechanisms for in-depth and night fishing, baits (jigs, spinners) and other devices for fishing;
  • design collars for cats and dogs.

How to choose?

When choosing this original item for repair, it is necessary to understand the difference between luminescent and phosphoric inks. The first is absolutely harmless, suitable for the bedroom. The second contains a life-threatening phosphorus. It is suitable only for street work. Branded goods high quality, neatly applied, ensures uniform luminescence, makes it possible to choose the right shade, more durable, but has a high price.

Owning the basics of chemistry and knowledge of reagents, home craftsmen can prepare the phosphor on their own. Scrupulous and creative work will reduce the estimate, to carry out minor transformations. The basis of the artisanal phosphor solution is the needles extract. The brightness of the glow depends on the volume of the concentrate.

A universal set of pigments of well-known trademarks is an indispensable tool in creating neon paint in the home, with its positive features:

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • does not collapse at high and low temperatures;
  • long warranty period.

It is worth bearing in mind some nuances if you decide to organize a laboratory at home:

  • white phosphorus and its derivatives do not glow without oxygen;
  • a number of substances need friction and shaking;
  • all substances must be stored separately;
  • the reaction of the acid with sulfide forms hydrogen sulfide, which blocks the centers of smell, and when it comes into contact with the hair and nail plates, the paint destroys them;

A competent approach to the material and the object of decoration will eliminate inappropriate use. Too bright light in the bedroom and places of rest can harm the health and emotional state. Starting a repair, study the opinions of experienced designers, reviews and customer photos, create a preliminary layout of the future creation, think over and model all the options so that the update brings only positive emotions. Verified suppliers and small batches of goods - the key to success.

Beautiful interior solutions

Professional artists will help you choose beautiful interior solutions for every corner of your home.

  1. The shimmering distance of the mysterious planets in the bedroom of the beloved baby will create an atmosphere of fairy tales and magic.
  2. The fascinating radiance of the moon, the Milky Way will adjust to the atmosphere you need for a romantic evening with your loved one.

For information on the types of luminous inks and how to apply them, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
