How to make a two-level ceiling with drywall with lighting?

The ceiling is the main component of any interior. Unlike other types of surfaces, it is always visible, so this finish should be perfect. The fashion for traditional plastering and whitewashing has long passed; today, two-level constructions of gypsum board with lighting are very popular in ceiling design. They not only allow you to hide all the defects of the base, but also give the room a beautiful look. Installation of such ceilings is not particularly difficult, so every home owner will be able to perform it independently. To do this, you must first create an original sketch, then purchase the necessary building material.

Special features

The two-level ceiling is a unique design that is created from two layers of drywall. The installation of the decorative composition is carried out in such a way that it allows you to simultaneously hide not only all communications systems, electrical wiring, but also makes the coating level. In addition, by performing even the simplest repair of an apartment, with the help of such ceilings, it is possible to rationally plan a room, visually dividing it into separate zones.

The only drawback of the designs is that they reduce the height of the space, so it is desirable to install them in spacious rooms. You can, of course, perform such an installation in small rooms, but then you will need to apply special design tricks: to expand the boundaries of the room due to the bright colors in the decoration of the walls and floor covering.

Before you install two-level ceilings, you should consider these features:

  • Humidity level In the event that there is a constant temperature difference and high humidity indoors, then it is recommended to choose moisture-resistant drywall for work.You can also assemble a structure from ordinary sheets, but then they will have to be further treated with a protective primer.
  • Features of the room layout. Depending on the shape and size of the room, the appropriate ceiling model is selected. At the same time, we must not forget that the installation of the frame will reduce the height of the space by about 10 cm. To save height, you can install the second tier simply on the aligned floor.
  • Lighting system. Installation work should begin with the design, which will indicate the placement of lighting devices. At this point, you need to pay great attention, since the general appearance of not only the suspended composition, but also the interior as a whole will depend on the correct installation of lamps and lamps.


Two-tiered suspended ceilings are ideal for modern design. They look in the rooms stylishly and effectively, create an unusual atmosphere of comfort and warmth in space.

To date, there are many options for the installation of such structures, the most popular of them are:

  • Frame bunk ceiling. It has the form of a box with one step.Such compositions, as a rule, are chosen for rooms whose height exceeds 3 m, since the box device requires a free space of 50 cm. The ceiling often has a figured shape, and along its perimeter it is possible to install both hidden lighting made from LED lamps and spot lighting. . Beautifully also look such designs, complemented by large chandeliers in the center. Thanks to the box-like structure, the corners of the room are well lit, and the interior is bright and interesting.
  • Diagonal. The device of this composition is striking in its originality. The design of the structure is as follows: the first level is fastened, and then the second one, which projects to the side. In this case, the dividing line runs horizontally on one side, smoothly merging with the second tier, the distinction can be made both with the help of straight and wavy lines. Thanks to unusual shapes, the ceiling allows you to visually expand the space. In this case, multicolored LED lamps, which can be combined with night lights, are recommended as a backlight.
  • Zonal. This view allows you to beautifully highlight a specific area of ​​the room. The design is fixed in such a way that it has the same level throughout the room, and above the area to be emphasized, mount the second tier. A similar system is chosen for living rooms and bedrooms, where you need to distinguish between workplace, rest and sleep area. The ceiling is also well suited for combined rooms, the style of which provides for visual borders.

In addition to traditional types of suspended ceilings, sophisticated two-level systems are also in great demand. In their structure, they have similarities with the above models, but are complemented by a variety of patterns, shapes and complex decor elements. Thanks to such designs, you can create an unforgettable and exotic interior. As a rule, designers for modern projects choose curly, abstract and floating ceilings.

The figure composition consists of two levels, which are established in the form of plants, patterns, patterns or geometric figures, with the first tier being the main one, and the light-wave fasteners at its edges. As a result of this, a stunning effect is obtained, but additional elements can be illuminated by spotlights.Such ceilings fit perfectly into any style, therefore, are considered universal. Most often they are chosen for Baroque and Empire, in the design of which the presence of simple decor with clear lines is important. A good option are designs for minimalism and hi-tech, where rigor is presented throughout.

Separate attention among the two-tier structures made of drywall deserve floating ceilings. Their system is suspended, the LED lamps are installed along the contour, and the second level serves as a decoration. In addition, this system creates a visual effect, in which the ceiling looks weightless, "floating" in the air. Therefore, if the interior of the room needs to be filled with a magical atmosphere, there is no better option for the decor.

As for the abstract ceilings, they are most suitable for those homeowners who love unusual shapes. There are many design options for such structures, but in modern design systems with a spiral second tier are most popular.

In order for the composition to acquire an original look, when finishing it is best to use several colors, you can also make inserts with bright shades.


Gypsum ceiling of two levels will look stylish if it is supplemented with good lighting. It is possible to install lighting devices with your own hands, since this is not particularly difficult. All you need to do for this is to pre-draw the layout drawings of the devices, as well as choose the most suitable variant of a lamp or a lamp.

To date, for the installation of the backlight of two-tier systems most often choose the following devices:

  • Spotlights. They allow you to make both the main and additional lighting, beautifully highlighting the individual zones in the room.
  • LED tape. They are used to illuminate the ceiling around the perimeter. Ribbons differ in the color spectrum, so depending on the design of the room, you can choose ribbons that create light with different shades.


Installation of a two-level plasterboard ceiling is carried out in stages, while construction work must be carried out correctly, in compliance with all installation technologies. In order to design reliably served for many years, before its fastening perform surface preparation, after which you can only assemble the frame.Therefore, first you need to make a control of the surface of the coating, remove the old plaster, carefully seal the gap. When the rough finish is completely dry, the substrate is primed.

The next stage of preparation will be the selection of a frame project, according to which it will be possible to assemble the structure in the future.

As a rule, a step-by-step instruction is used for the manufacture of the frame, according to which the suspension system is assembled in two ways:

  • First of all, the first level system is installed, then the second tier is fixed.
  • The second level is being prepared, it is fixed on special suspensions, after which the first tier is mounted.

Each of the above assembly technologies is good in its own way, but if you do the installation yourself, then the choice will depend on the availability of skills and abilities of the novice master, as well as on the size and shape of the room. For example, for small rooms it is not recommended to use a complex system of ceilings, since due to the double construction the height of the room will “cut off” and it will look cumbersome. As for the rectangular rooms, when choosing the placement of levels, you need to pay attention to the fact that the second tier should be less than the first.


After all the preparatory work is completed, you can proceed to the direct installation of a two-tier structure. In that case, if the installation is done by hand, it is important to make the measurements correctly, having determined the zero point on the ceiling. To do this, you need a water level, with which you can draw lines. If you plan to make a system consisting of several geometric shapes, then a grid of lines should be applied around the perimeter of the ceiling. The distance between the perpendicular lines should not exceed 60 cm, for parallel lines it is 50 cm.

Sheets of drywall are precisely measured, their parameters must fully correspond to the dimensions of the frame. Thus, drywall is fixed at the edges and middle with screws, and decorative figures are first made as a template from cardboard, after which they are transferred to the structure. Before covering the frame, it is necessary to lay all engineering communications consisting of air conditioning, lighting and ventilation systems. They are attached directly to the ceiling in order to avoid damage when covering the frame.As for the wiring, it can not be placed inside the profiles, the ends of the electrical wiring are displayed outside, where the fixtures will be mounted.

Fixing sheets of drywall is performed using special screws. In the event that the composition needs to be sheathed with curved and figured details, they are first treated with mortar and given the desired shape using a spiked roller. It will make a lot of holes, due to which the drywall sheet will become pliable for processing and will be easily bent. At first, the sheets of the first tier are attached, then they proceed to the installation of second-level blanks. If the ceiling area is large, then drywall sheets are recommended to be stacked in a checkerboard pattern, keeping a distance of 40-50 cm between the plates, so the material will firmly fasten and hold well.

In addition, you need to prepare holes for the installation of future lamps and fixtures. Since the wiring was laid earlier, then it will be necessary only to attach its ends to the lighting devices. At the end of the installation, it is necessary to treat the caps of the screws with a special solution, and also to putty the seams with the finishing mixture.After this is done grouting, grinding and mounting fixtures.

Useful tips

Gypsum ceiling, consisting of two levels and illumination, is considered a complex structure, therefore, in order to properly install it, you must first make sketches for a future composition, then assemble the system. Despite the fact that the installation process may seem difficult, it is quite possible to cope with it yourself.

    For beginners, when installing bunk ceilings, it is recommended to use the following helpful tips:

    • The second level of the suspension system performs a decorative role, so the design of its design must be taken responsibly, picking up unusual ideas. The technology of installation of the structure will depend on the shapes and sizes of the second tier, since often the figures may have a cut-out or descend to the first level.
    • Installation should begin with measuring the perimeter of the ceiling and determining the height for each tier. To make the calculations correctly, you should use a laser or hydraulic level. For each level of the system, a label is placed, after which the cutter cord is attached and the work plane is drawn.
    • The drawing of the future ceiling is drawn directly on the floor slabs in order to fix the evenness of the lines, the UD profiles are attached to the surface.
    • To give the structure a volume, you need to make guides from CD profiles. At the same time, while working with profiles, it is necessary to leave a small margin of length.
    • Profiles are fixed with special metal screws. If necessary, they can be bent in any direction of the structure. In the case when the profile is placed opposite to the ceiling, its direction is aligned as follows: make cuts to the base every 5-10 cm, then send the segment in the right direction.
    • Cutouts in the plasterboard ceiling should be made of rigid profiles that can withstand the load. They are attached to the ceiling with U-shaped brackets.
    • All carrier profiles, unlike conventional wall structures, are mounted with a gap of 40 cm. To increase their strength, you can take a step of 30 cm. Such reinsurance will increase the strength characteristics of the frame and protect the structure from possible cracking under the influence of the weight of the second tier.
    • In contrast to the walls, the supporting profiles of the ceiling are fixed directly to the overlap itself, therefore the fastenings are subjected to a huge load.To make the system durable, metal brackets should be additionally attached to the profiles, keeping a distance of at least 60 cm.
    • It is advisable to combine the process of making the frame and covering it with sheets of drywall. Therefore, it is best to first sheathe the second tier, and only then do the finishing of the first main. Thus, the work is faster and more convenient.
    • The most difficult in the design of a two-level ceiling may seem a bend of drywall sheets. To do this, they are traditionally soaked, and then leveled with a special roller, but all this can be done in a different way. If it is necessary to create figures of small radius, then drywall will bend well and dry. In order not to break it, it is necessary to make even cuts along the parallel, observing a step of 5 cm. The resulting billet will easily be curved and putty.
    • To the ceiling of the original added to the interior of the room, you should worry about its lighting. For two-tier systems, LED strips are considered the ideal lighting option. They are best mounted around the perimeter of the lower tier, which forms a small niche. The result will be a stunning light effect.In this case, the lower level should protrude beyond the perimeter of the frame by 50 or 70 mm. The edges of the sheets of drywall align on all borders, then enclose the guide profiles and mount the LED strip.
    • The design of a bunk ceiling must be chosen strictly in accordance with the style of the room. It should be in harmony with the decoration of the walls and floor covering. Depending on the functional purpose of the room, it is possible to install structures that visually divide the space into separate zones.

    Beautiful examples in the interior

    A two-level plasterboard ceiling is considered to be the perfect complement to the interior of any room. Such pendant systems in kitchens look beautiful, but since this type of room is often exposed to moisture and high temperatures, for decoration it is necessary to choose the right material with special protection. A warm color palette works well for the kitchen, so bunk compositions are best made from several shades of color. Separate inserts from various textures and colors will also look unusual in designs.A classic option for the kitchen will be a snow-white ceiling with bright lighting, but for modern art lovers, you can choose models that combine not only drywall, but also color exhibitions from the canvas that will harmoniously complement the beauty of the flooring and furniture.

    In addition, for the kitchen, you can choose drywall systems, assembled not only from rectangular tiers, but also decorated with interesting shapes, lines and patterns. It can be geometric shapes, abstraction or waves. To emphasize the beauty of a complex construction, the sources of illumination need to be built in not only around the perimeter of the lower tier, but also put them in decorative details. Thus, in the kitchen you can do a little zoning. For example, the ceiling in beige and white colors looks gorgeous, while the color insert is a continuation of the furniture shade.

    A special role in each house performs a living room. Since not only the whole family gathers in it, but the guests are also meeting, its design should be special. To achieve a stunning effect in the interior of the living room will help bunk ceiling.It will make the room luxurious and stylish, and unusual combinations of colors and shapes will give the surface a chic look. Especially beautiful in the living room two-level ceilings made of plasterboard, in the design of which there is an elegant matte or glossy film. Thanks to the unusual decor, you can even turn a small room into a trendy room.

    The color of the suspended composition must be chosen in accordance with the harmony of shades. Therefore, the tone of the background of the room is determined, and then paint is added to the interior. Such ceilings can be decorated not only with geometric shapes, but also with Chinese symbols or unusual patterns. It all depends on the style of design and personal preferences of homeowners. Particularly interesting are the two levels in the living room, combined with a kitchen. For them, you can choose the classic design in white, placing the LED line on the surface in the form of original drawings.

    The bedroom belongs to the zone of rest and sleep, so the installation of two-level ceilings in this room requires a special approach. An excellent solution for it will be a suspended structure of two tiers, where parts of plasterboard will be made in bright colors, and decorative canvases of dark shades.The lighting of such a composition can be made both from spotlights and supplemented with a system of small chandeliers that will help create an atmosphere of harmony and romance in the room. It is interesting to look at the bedroom complex design in white color, the upper tier of which is located above the bed.

          Despite the fact that the bathroom is prone to high humidity, it is still possible to install complex ceilings, consisting of two levels and lighting. To do this, choose drywall, designed for wet rooms. It is desirable in the design of such ceilings to use light shades that would be well combined with the decoration of the walls. For a bathroom, it is not necessary to make complex compositions; you can get by with the second tier, laying it out in a shape.

          To learn how to make a two-level plasterboard ceiling with lighting, see the following video.

          Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

          Entrance hall

          Living room
