How to wash the glossy stretch ceiling at home?

Modern interior is an abundance of unusually beautiful materials, some of which are stretched ceilings. They have a lot of advantages over other ways of finishing, thanks to which they have become so popular. This is a beautiful appearance, and a long service life, and a relatively low cost with only one drawback - special care. During the repair, homeowners do not even think about how to properly care for glossy stretch ceilings in order to preserve beauty for many years.

Causes of pollution

Before you start cleaning the pollutants, you should understand the nature of their origin in order to correctly choose cleaning products. The coating is divided into two types: fabric and PVC.In the first case, the cost of materials is quite high, but you can achieve a smooth surface that looks like a single canvas and does not have “seams” typical for many materials.

PVC ceilings are often called simply film, they are particularly durable and able to apply photo printing. They have ample opportunities in terms of color and design, and are also resistant to water when they are flooded by their neighbors.

The tension structures are arranged in such a way that the materials used are necessarily impregnated with special solutions that prevent the appearance of various contaminants (stains, stains, dust).

With proper installation, material properties are preserved., but over time, the colors grow dull, because they are covered with a layer of dust, and here you can’t do without cleaning.

The unsightly appearance of the glossy stretch ceiling also provides stains from the water as a result of children's games with water pistols, splashing from soda or the consequences of flooding from neighbors.

Quite often, when stretch ceilings are installed in the kitchen, pollution occurs as a result of moisture or the evaporation of fats in cooking.

Experts recommend cleaning the ceiling at least once a month at least to remove dust.

Peculiarities of care

Cleaning the stretch ceiling at home - although it is an easy process, but it requires a special approach, because the coating is too easy to damage, but to restore the old look in this case will not work. Any careless movement is capable of destroying a beautiful coating without the possibility of further restoration, therefore it is necessary to follow certain rules.

Before you start cleaning, you need to take care in advance that there are no jewelry on your hands.

Rings and bracelets have protruding parts that can easily damage the coating. At best, it will be just scratches, which is not so striking, at worst - a hole, which can not be repaired.

It is necessary to immediately abandon aggressive agents and powders that have large cleaning particles that can cause severe damage to the ceiling.

The same applies to brushes and sponges that will be used to clean the dirt.

It is recommended to clean the seams only along, not across, and this should be done with extreme caution. It is necessary to make circular movements and preferably without pressing in order not to make a hole in the ceiling. If the site is soiled with soot and grease, then for a start it will be necessary to “soak” this place a little, after which it will begin to take active steps.

Concentrated mortar is not applied to the surface of the ceiling, and cleaning occurs at the expense of a large amount of foam in order to exclude the possibility of various damages.

Preparation: inventory

Dust, dirt and stains spoil the appearance of the ceiling, so you need to cope with them by proven methods, which will require special equipment.

Such a capricious coating requires a careful approach, including when choosing tools and materials for its cleaning. It is desirable to stock them up before the start of the cleaning works, since it will be extremely inconvenient to look for the necessary elements in the process. Nothing should distract from such hard work. First of all, you will need a ladder or stepladder, which at the same time must be practical, comfortable and of high quality in order to avoid accidents and inconveniences during work.

The ladder should provide a comfortable positionOtherwise, it is possible either to damage the surface of the ceiling due to sudden and rash movements, or to fall and be injured.

You must understand that all manipulations with the ceiling will have to be carried out in a position where both hands are free and involved in the case. Only in this case, you can focus on the process and correctly carry out cleaning of the ceilings without any difficulties.

The second important element in the inventory list is sponges of medium hardness, mainly of different sizes for the entire ceiling and for each large pollution separately.

Not superfluous will be rags with natural composition and soft coating, but at the same time carefully eliminating stains and streaks.

The list is supplemented with detergents without large abrasive particles, a mop and, if possible, a washing vacuum cleaner with soft nozzles. All this is the key to smooth cleaning of glossy ceilings in absolutely any room.


Particular attention should be paid to detergents, since this includes both ready-made solutions that are designed specifically for cleaning stretch ceilings, as well as options that are often called folk remedies.

The most appropriate options for cleaning the ceiling is plain water or soapy water.

They are not terrible for the fine structure of the surface and at the same time are able to cope with dust, although more complex stains are in question. In the case of soapy water (a gentle baby soap is taken as a basis), ugly stains can remain, which can be removed with the help of ordinary liquid ammonia. It is diluted in water in low concentration, since aggressive agents are in no way suitable for covering stretch ceilings.

Means for glasses and mirrors that do not have aggressive elements also help to cope with dust and small dirt. In the case of grease stains and soot, the usual dishwashing detergent, which is diluted in small quantities in running water, is excellent.

When washing stretch ceilings, it is convenient to use solutions poured into packaging with a sprayer. Thus, it is easy to distribute the product over the surface, eliminating the possibility of applying too much solution, due to which there is little savings.

Cleaning procedure

When cleaning stretch ceilings, it is important to follow the rules not only regarding detergents and equipment, but also regarding the sequence of actions and steps. This will help you clean the ceiling much faster and more efficiently.

If there is a small amount of dust, cleaning begins with wiping the surface with a simple dry cloth made of soft material. It can be suede or microfiber. If there is residual dust, you can repeat the manipulations with a rag by moistening it in running water. It is convenient to do this with the help of a plastic folding mop, where the usual rag is replaced with its microfiber counterpart. It easily removes dust in all corners of the ceiling and significantly saves time. If necessary, the corners and joints are rubbed separately, but by hand.

Various stains, stains and drops require more thorough care, which is carried out with the help of a rag and soap solution. Only foam, which is obtained as a result of mixing water and soap, is suitable for cleaning, since it gently and carefully removes stains without leaving scratches. The soap solution is removed with a clean, damp cloth, after which the entire ceiling is wiped with a paper napkin to avoid stains and drops.

If the entire surface is clean and only one spot interferes, then it can be removed using a cotton rag. The dirty place is overwritten, after the procedure described above is repeated.

Avoiding divorce allows ammonia, which is either added to the soap solution, or, after all cleaning procedures, is diluted with water.

When washing glossy stretch ceilings, you need to monitor the degree of pressure on the places where dirt is located. They should be light, and it is better to perform movements in a circle, gradually cleaning the entire area.

Before you start cleaning, it is advisable to test the selected detergent in an inconspicuous place in order to avoid problems with unexpected damage.

What can not be washed?

There are many misconceptions about glossy stretch ceilings and cleaning methods that apply to them. Some of them are harmless, but at least half can provide a damaged coating.

Washing powder and any powder products

Any detergents that contain abrasive and rather aggressive particles should be excluded.On the Internet, you can often find tips where it is recommended to use detergent to remove soot and especially greasy stains from the ceiling surface, but this is a big mistake, the price of which is a damaged ceiling. In reality, small particles will leave ugly scratches, which can no longer be removed.


Especially popular tool that is recommended to use to remove dirt, is mustard. Their point of view, such advisers argue the absence of small particles in the composition of food mustard. Of course, mustard is used as a cleaning agent, but not for a stretch ceiling.

In fact, this tool leads to the deformation of a capricious and delicate material, different stains and noticeable color changes.

The effects of cleaning mustard with dirt are particularly noticeable on the black coating, where its interaction with the coating appears as white spots.

Economic or tar soap

Laundry soap is the most common remedy for removing various contaminants that has been used for decades. Often, housewives rush to wash stretch ceilings with a solution of household soap, unaware that such a procedure can be very dangerous for a refined coating.Like tar soap, it leads to deformations, discoloration and deterioration of product quality. For these reasons, you should stop using this type of soap.


Acetone copes well with paint residues on any kind of surfaces, so it is mistakenly starting to be used as a means for cleaning suspended ceilings. According to its composition, acetone is a rather aggressive means, as a result of which the owners have deformations of the ceiling surface, noticeable stains and material damage, which cannot be restored.


Chlorine is used by many housewives in the daily cleaning of an apartment or house. It easily removes stains, disinfects the necessary places, but is a destructive agent for the glossy coating of stretch ceilings. Unknowingly it is used as a detergent to remove difficult to remove stains on the ceiling, after which the structure of the material is destroyed and the beautiful and elegant coating is practically destroyed.

In addition, it is incredibly harmful to health, in particular, the skin of the hands and respiratory organs, and therefore brings much more harm than real benefits.

Baking soda

Soda is known for its properties for a long time, so it is actively used to remove stains and dirt, mixing with other substances at the same time and getting a fairly effective tool, but not in the case of cleaning the stretch ceiling.

Gentle and delicate coating does not tolerate the use of small particles, which is a soda.

Gloss irretrievably suffers, getting various scratches and scuffs. With special diligence, you can leave the deformed areas, which can no longer be corrected.


The procedure for cleaning the stretch ceiling occurs along the path from one corner to another or in sections, if the structure of the ceiling is complex and has several levels.

When removing cobwebs in the corners, it is advisable not to use a vacuum cleaner, since, being a large apparatus, it can easily damage the coating.

Using a mop for wet cleaning, it is necessary to monitor the intensity of pressing, because any wrong movement guarantees a hole in the coating, and this despite the high strength of the material.

Despite the efforts and competent approach to business, a situation may occur when the tension cover breaks.In this case, you should not resolve this issue yourself, but as soon as possible you should seek help from a trusted specialist. Before his arrival, it is allowed only to glue the place of the breakthrough with ordinary tape, but no more.

The mirror surface of the ceiling requires more thorough care than a matte finish.

It is rather difficult to carry out cleaning without divorces, but following the recommendations of specialists it is quite possible to avoid such unpleasant consequences of cleaning. After washing you will have to stock up on clean running water, a few rags and endless patience. To begin with, the soap solution is completely removed, after which the entire surface is wiped with a dry cloth. If this method does not get rid of streaks on the ceiling, the procedure with running water and a dry rag is repeated, but you need to add some ammonia to the water.

Particular attention should be paid to the joints of the seam, since improper handling of these delicate places leads to unpleasant consequences.

It is rather difficult to wash them. It is necessary to make any movements for the purpose of cleaning exclusively along the seams, because otherwise water and possibly detergent will flow into it.In the future, this will lead to partial deformation and the need for a complete replacement of the coating or even complex partial repair.

The kitchen is a place of high humidity and pollution. The specificity of the room is such that the care of glossy coatings in this room will be quite different. In the kitchen, there is constantly a large release of fumes in the process of cooking, resulting in a thick layer of burning, soot and fat on the ceiling. Many believe that this problem can be easily solved with the help of a hood, and in part they are right, but still the ceilings are subject to constant pollution.

In addition to the layer of soot, grease and other stains often appear on the ceilings in the kitchen as a result of improper handling of appliances, food or drinks. The stain can be delivered completely by accident, for example, by opening a bottle of champagne or when frying a product, but it is much more difficult to remove it.

For the prevention of ceilings in the kitchen is recommended to wash more often than in other rooms, so that dirt does not accumulate, and the cleaning process was much easier.

Detergents are used the same as in other rooms, although soap solutions are more applicable than regular water.In the presence of grease stains, it is necessary to make a soap solution using soap or dishwashing detergent, after which the foam from the mixture obtained is applied to the stain. Leave it all for a few minutes, then wipe it several times with a clean damp cloth and finish cleaning with a dry sponge or cloth to avoid the appearance of stains.

Do not strongly press and rub the stain, it is better to wait an extra minute.

A steam mop or steam cleaner can easily handle stains in the kitchen and bathroom, but this method requires caution. Cleaning takes place with light movements when using a microfiber nozzle. All movements go along the seam, not vice versa. A jet of steam should be sent directly to the ceiling, and then remove all accumulated condensed liquid with a dry cloth or a napkin.

As for the bathroom, then the main enemies of the glossy finish are limescale, stains and splashes, as well as high humidity.

Experts recommend wiping the stretch ceiling every time someone from a family member takes a shower. This will allow you to quickly and seamlessly remove soap stains and splashes,which are formed in the process of bathing, because after some time to get rid of them is extremely difficult.

Glossy stretch ceilings - this is one of the most beautiful ways of interior decoration, which has a lot of advantages, but it needs careful maintenance. Any cleaning is a planned and prepared process where any small change can play a big role.

For information on how to wash the glossy stretch ceiling effectively, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
