How to apply silk plaster?

Silk plaster - a new finishing material, similar to the same fabric. Plaster called "silk" - this is the same as liquid wallpaper. Another name just helps to distinguish among all the liquid wallpaper exactly this kind, in addition, in its composition there are indeed fibers of artificial silk. Water-soluble glue, particles of cotton and cellulose are also included in the mix. All sorts of glitters and plasticizers have been added, that is, additives to increase plasticity. The composition of the plaster "wet silk", unlike other liquid wallpaper, includes nacre particles, and it is they that provide an amazing effect of glow, overflow, play of light.

Advantages and disadvantages

Finishing material is also called velvet plaster due to the fact that the walls covered with it look like velvet and look very impressive.It looks great finish on large areas inside the premises. Since it is prepared and applied easily, silk plaster is gaining popularity very quickly. Already produced many different colors and shades for every taste of consumers. Buy silk plaster, packaged in plastic bags, can be in almost all construction markets.

Silk plaster coating immediately became popular because of its beauty in appearance and touch. It is suitable for all premises, even service.

The advantages of silk plasters:

  • fine decorative qualities;
  • environmentally friendly material: does not contain substances that have a detrimental effect on human health;
  • fire safety: can not light up and does not support combustion, unlike wallpaper;
  • well pronounced resistance to cracking and traces of touch;
  • lack of smell;
  • non-toxicity: does not emit toxic substances at any temperature;
  • suitability for both walls and ceiling;
  • ease of application.

Disadvantages of finishing material:

  • the surface finished with wet silk should not be exposed to moisture;
  • dust accumulates on the surface;
  • the treated area cannot be washed.

The quality characteristics of the plaster:

  • retains its original appearance up to ten years;
  • after work with it there are no traces;
  • the finishing process is not complicated, and even an inexperienced person can work with silk material;
  • pigments allow you to create patterns, patterns on the surface being processed;
  • the applied layer, if necessary, is easily removed after wetting;
  • the coating removed in this way can be dried and reused.

Surface preparation

From the preliminary preparation of the base strongly depends on how the "silk" will fall. The walls are processed, as for any repair.

The entire surface is required to be leveled, to close up the cracks with plaster putty. The next step is a thorough primer, leaving no areas missing.

Further walls are treated with a covering primer tinted with the color of the intended final finish.

Silk plaster compatibility with old wall material

Not all old coatings can be applied decorative plaster, even in order to save costs.

  • If the walls are covered with wallpaper of any kind, they must be removed.
  • Painted walls are compatible with a liquid coating, only need to pre-crack it.
  • Wooden walls with a lacquered surface are not suitable for wet silk in general.
  • The walls covered with a ceramic tile, upholstered with plastic will not accept plaster under silk.
  • And the best option is to completely free the walls from the old finish.

How to cook the finishing material?

Applying wet silk consists of several stages. Like all liquid wallpaper, dry plaster is simply soaked in warm water. It is warm, because the glue, which is part of the mixture, should dissolve. In cold water it will not happen to the end, but in hot water it will curtail.

In a suitable comfortable dish with cooked water first pour spangles. Wait up to ten minutes and pour all the dry mixture. Now with hands in rubber gloves, mix the composition to obtain an even mass with the thickness of sour cream. The solution will be ready for use after 20 minutes.

It’s time to prepare the necessary tools and auxiliary material: a ladder, water, a trowel for troweling (this is a tool like a trowel), suitable spatulas, a rag.

Decorative decoration

Work material is ready.Unfortunately, not everyone knows the rules of applying decorative plaster on the prepared surface. The initial, so-called base, cover with liquid silk should be tried to make thin and even out as much as possible. It dries a couple of hours (the period is indicated in the instructions on the package). Work is done by hand or trowel. Take a handful of the mixture in your hand, press it against the wall and smooth it with a trowel to the edges. It is desirable to make a layer up to two millimeters. Plaster mass is consumed depending on the thickness of the applied layer. Approximately from two hundred to four hundred grams per square meter.

In the corners will have to level the spatula. The spatula is still useful for removing lumps at work. The trail of the remote blemish gently correct.

How to create patterns and drawings?

Silk plaster is actively included in the category of popular materials also because of its creativity. From it are created not only monochromatic coatings, but various drawings and even whole compositions. And for this, you do not need to learn design art. Everyone can try their hand at creating beautiful accents.

Prepare a drawing template in advance or project the images to the chosen place, circle it. You can use a marker or pencils with the appropriate color. Silk the desired colors using the appropriate pigments. Carefully adjust the edges with a spatula, rag, and done.

How to care for decorative silk?

Since silk plaster does not like moisture, it is not suitable to wipe with a wet cloth. It is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner for infrequent cleaning of the surface, carefully sweeping it with a brush, so as not to accidentally damage it. Silk coating is especially valued for its long-term service and does not require extra care.

In the case of minor and even deep damage should not be upset. Rinse this area with water - the plaster can be easily removed. Having diluted some mixture using the already familiar method, you can again cover the injury site.

And this is not the limit. Imagine that the silk coating that has long been applied is tired. I want to update the room. Repair will not take much trouble. Moisten the wall silk with plenty of water. Slowly, acting with a spatula, the wet old coating is removed.Walls to prepare and change at will will not be easy. And most importantly, the already used silk wallpaper will still serve. Collect the old coating, dry and pour into a plastic bag, where it is stored for years. It is easily used on a different surface and looks completely new.

It is necessary to form a relief before the applied composition hardens. Using a trowel, make short strokes in an arc. After creating the relief, it is easy to stroke the whole space with a trowel.

A new wet silk plaster dries out in about a day - the exact drying time is indicated in the instructions attached to each package.

If ordinary plaster can be applied immediately to a large area, it is not recommended with silk composition. It should be consumed in small areas of about 1x2 m. The ends remain uneven. When you move to the next section, you start brush strokes from them, as a result, the borders will be invisible.

Is it possible to apply this coating with a roller?

Yes you can. The material is prepared in the same way as mentioned above. But the work process is changing.

The first layer is superimposed on the walls as well. It is left to freeze the same time. But the top layer is applied with a roller.Better fit roller with not very long pile. We divide plots into the same area. There are traces of the roller (experts call them “fur coat”). Smooth them, making long movements.

The longer the pile is, the thicker the layer is applied. Then it is difficult to form a surface relief.

How to apply decorative plaster "silk" with velvet effect?

It is even easier to make such a coating, since it will not be necessary to treat with a covering primer with the addition of a color coat. Simple alignment of the walls, as with any repair, and you can apply the desired composition. Thus, the layer is obtained one. Work material is applied with short strokes from right to left or up and down. The first stage is completed.

The second stage is the formation of the invoice. Do not stretch the brush strokes without pressing too hard with your hand or trowel. Remove excess mortar from hand or trowel with a spatula as needed. The surface is ready, it remains to give it dry.

Home application technology plays a pivotal role, because it ensures the desired effect of the walls and the ceiling with a charming coating.

    Decorative silk plaster is unique for creativity,the realization of any fantasy in the design of housing with the creation of his personal, exclusive interior, which no one else will not meet.

    Do not be afraid of supposedly great difficulty in carrying out the work. In any process with decorative solutions have to make an effort.

    Working with silk plaster, having a detailed recipe, is much easier than with other types of similar solutions. It has the ability to be applied evenly and does not leave stains. You must carefully read the master class and dilute the plaster correctly. The cooking technique should be as accurate as possible.

    How to apply silk plaster with your own hands, see the next video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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