Features of the calculation of the volume of the bowl of the bath in liters and the rules for saving water

When choosing a bath, it is important to find a “middle ground” - it should have dimensions that are compact for taking water procedures and, accordingly, the volume of the bowl, and its use should be rational in terms of water consumption.

Today, most apartments are equipped with a water meter, and when you take a bath, it takes quite a lot. Are there legal ways to reduce water consumption without sacrificing your own comfort?

Daily consumption

The average water consumption per person is 250–300 liters. In this case, most of the volume is often used irrationally: it just flows down the drain. For personal needs, lovers soak in the hot tub spend much more water.On average, water consumption in the bathroom is about 150 liters, provided that a person does not use foam, does not add a decoction of healing herbs to the water. Another 50–70 liters is spent on taking a shower after the procedure.

If broths of healing herbs are added to the bath, the water consumption for its filling is slightly less than 150 liters. However, such procedures can be done only on a clean body, so 50–70 l of water is spent on the shower in front of the healing bath. Just as much - rinse after a bath.

On average, 30 l of water is spent on cooking, and 45 l per hour of washing. About 70 liters are flushed into the toilet to keep the toilet clean, and another 40 liters for washing hands, washing and brushing teeth. All this spends one person!

Know what the volume of the bath is necessary not only in order to choose a more economical bowl. So, when installing a septic tank in the private sector, you need to know the exact volume of wastewater to select a septic tank of the desired volume.

When installing a heating boiler, it will also be useful to know the volume of the bath in order to correctly calculate the amount of water required for heating. It should be enough not only to fill the bowl, but also to stay for a shower.

Calculation Methods

The number of liters in the bath depends on its dimensions - length, width, depth. The depth of the bowl is the distance from its bottom to the overflow.Usually, domestic products are manufactured deeper than imported models.

Depending on the size of the bath are:

  • Little ones Compact devices in which an adult can only sit in the half-sitting position. Their length is usually 120–130 cm with a width of 70–80 cm.
  • Standard. They fit in most of the bathrooms of typical high-rise buildings, allow you to stay in comfort. Their usual length is 150–160 cm with a width of 70–80 cm.
  • Big ones. Fonts that are suitable for spacious bathrooms and have a length of 170 cm to 200 cm. The width is 70-80 cm.

The width of the bathroom is usually the same for all models. Taking a bowl less than 70 cm wide is impractical - it will be inconvenient even for slender users. But the width may increase. As a rule, longer baths have an increased width.

Separately, it is necessary to allocate angular models that are equilateral (symmetrical) and versatile (asymmetric). The side of the first one can start from 100 cm, bowls with a length of each side of 150 cm are considered to be the most convenient. Asymmetric models can have different shapes, lengths and widths. Finally, there are round and oval models.

You can find out the volume of the bath by reading the instructions attached to the device. As a rule, small baths hold about 160 liters of water, standard - 220 to 230 liters, large - from 230–240 liters and more. However, it is not always possible, moreover, it is always useful to know the actual volume of the bowl (to compare it with the specified one). On the methods of its calculation will be discussed below.

The volume of the tank depends not only on its size, but also on the material of manufacture. This is due to the fact that bowls of different materials have different wall thickness and bottom. Since the walls of the bowl of cast iron are the thickest (compared to acrylic and steel counterparts), therefore, its capacity under equal conditions will be slightly smaller.

For standard models

The easiest, but not quite accurate way to install the displacement of a bathroom is to measure how many buckets of water a bowl can hold. This method involves an error, in addition, it is inconvenient and takes a lot of time. And one more drawback: this method can not be used immediately before purchase, that is, in the store.

More accurate will be the multiplication of parameters: length, width and height. However, you must first convert these values ​​to decimeters, since 1 liter of water is equal to one cubic decimeter. One cubic decimeter is 10 x 10 x 10 cm.

Let us calculate as an example the volume of a standard galvanized font, 150 cm long, 70 cm wide and 50 cm high. In cubic decimeters, these parameters look as follows - 15, 7 and 5. Multiplying them together, we get 525 cubic decimeters. Thus, the volume of the bowl with dimensions of 150 x 70 cm is 525 liters. Similarly, you can calculate the volume of a small or large bowl of a rectangular or round shape.

For custom sizes and shapes

The method described above is not suitable for calculating a bath of non-standard forms. If you need to know the volume of an oval or circular bath, you first need to calculate its area. After that, the resulting value is multiplied by a ratio of length or height.

Consider an example of a bath in the shape of an irregular oval with axes 50 and 60 cm long and 40 cm deep. Since the bath is round, to calculate its area, besides the length of the axes, it is necessary to know the number denoting the circumference to the length of its diameter. This indicator is constant and equal to 3.14 (Pi number).

Just memorize it and substitute in the formula 3.14, multiplied by the length of the first semiaxis, multiplied by the length of the second axis, to calculate the area of ​​a round bowl.We get: 3.14 x 50 x 60 = 9420 cm (bath area).

Now this number is multiplied by the depth indices: 9420 x 40 = 376800. This large figure is the volume of the bowl, but in cubic centimeters. We translate them into liters, moving the comma from the end of the digit 3 characters forward, we get 376.8 liters. Almost 374 liters fit in the bath in question.

Calculate popular triangular baths is also easy. To do this, find the length of the sides of the bowl, forming a right angle. After that, they need to multiply each other and the height of the bath, and then divide the resulting number by 2.

Thus, the volume of a triangular symmetric corner bowl with a length of 150 cm and a height of 50 cm is 562.5 liters. We learned this by multiplying 2 lengths and the height of the bowl, and then dividing the result by 2: 150 x 150 x 50: 2 = 562.5.

It is possible to calculate the displacement of a round shape by dividing the diameter indicators by twoand then multiplying the result by the coefficient of the mathematical constant 3.14. So you calculate the area of ​​the round bowl. It remains to multiply the resulting number by the height of the bath to find out the volume.

Today, many bowls of unusual shapes are produced - in the form of shells, the human body, and original geometric shapes. The more depth and edge differences in such a bath, the more difficult it is to determine the volume of the bowl.Usually sellers indicate it in the instructions. If not, then often it is possible to establish the capacity of the font only by the “old-fashioned” method - with the help of a bucket of a specific displacement.

If there are protrusions and recesses in the acrylic bowl that repeat the anatomical features of the human body, then it will not be possible to accurately calculate the volume of the bowl.

How to choose the right bath, see below.

How to reduce costs: the advice of professionals

If water meters are installed in your apartment, it is important to correctly choose a bathroom model. It has already been mentioned above that 150–200 l of water is sufficient for comfortable bathing. It is with such volume that the bowl should be sought.

When choosing models of unusual sizes among the first questions, ask the seller a question about the volume of the bowl. Visually determine (even approximately) due to the unusual design, this is problematic, while their volume can be significant.

In order to save, you can reduce the number of procedures for taking a bath, replacing them by rinsing in the shower.

Install mixer with limiter or contactless counterparts. They will not allow water to flow away when you soap dishes or hands, brush your teeth.Contactless mixers only allow water after they hold up their hands, devices with a limiter - when you press a button.

Electronic mixer
Mixer with limiter

In the absence of such mixers, do not forget to manually turn off the water while brushing your teeth, for example. On average, this process takes 2-3 minutes. During this time, the sewer manages to escape up to 20 cubes of water.

Another way to save is to install aerators on the taps. These are small devices (many modern models of mixers have them) put on the crane. Thanks to the aerators, it is possible to enrich the water with oxygen, which means that while maintaining the pressure of the jet, it will reduce its quantity.

In other words, the user does not feel that the water has become less, although in fact this is exactly what happens when using an aerator. In addition, mixing a jet of water with air bubbles makes it soft, foaming. Under such a stream, it is easier to wash off the pollution, the water contains less chlorine.

It is important to clean or change aerators in a timely manner, because, six months later - a year after the start of operation, they are unable to fully perform their functions.Choose a wider circular shower head. Its use contributes to the distribution of jets throughout the body, quality washing and getting more pleasure from the procedure.

Often a lot of water leaks during the selection of the optimum temperature of the water and the pressure of the jet. This can be avoided by using a thermostat or plumbing with an integrated thermostat. It is enough to set the appropriate parameters once, so that in the future, the water immediately comes under the necessary pressure and optimum temperature.

Modern models have a powerful "memory", so each user can specify the optimal program for him. Before use, you only need to select your program and turn on the water. The use of these methods simultaneously reduces the water consumption by 40–50%.

It is also important how a person takes a bath. Some users want to take a full bath (especially when it comes to deep bowls), while for a quality procedure it is enough that the water just completely covers the parts of the body in the bathroom. It is enough to reduce the level of water collected by 5–7 cm to save 15–20 l of water.

Large, and most importantly - irrational, water flow is associated with a malfunction of plumbing. Leaking pipes, constantly dripping taps - all these are examples of how water goes down the drain, which means your money. To fix the situation is simple - to repair the plumbing and keep it in good condition.

If we talk about the economy in general, then pay attention to the toilet sink. It is more convenient if the device is equipped with a double drain button. Depending on the degree of contamination, the bowl can be washed off with a smaller (for example, 3 l) or more (6 l) amount of liquid.

Large is the flow of water in the kitchen, and for washing dishes used more expensive hot water. To reduce its consumption allows the purchase of a dishwasher. Modern models have long ceased to spend a lot of water, moreover, they help to save. So, for washing dishes after a family dinner with a hand wash takes up to 50 liters of water, the machine spends an average of 15-18 liters.

When washing clothes, try to load the tank of the machine to the maximum possible performance. This will reduce the consumption of water recruited by the machine.

    Residents of the private sector can use rainwater to water the site.To do this, under the drainage systems should be placed capacious pots or barrels that are filled after heavy rain.

    Installing a meter is another way to reduce utility costs (but not the water itself). However, their installation is logical only if the actual water consumption is less than the amount that is calculated according to the standard.

    For example, if five people are registered in an apartment (the standard is multiplied by 5), and only three people live, then it is logical to install a counter. If the situation is reversed, that is, five people live, and three are registered, the installation of the counter may not always be justified.

    In this case, it is better to try to calculate the approximate actual volume of water consumed and compare it with what is indicated in the receipts for utilities. If the first indicator is less, then you can think about installing the counter.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

    Entrance hall

    Living room
