AEG water heater in your home

Despite the onset of the 21st century, in our country hot water supply is still a problem. Even in big cities in the summer, there is a period of fan-off hot water in the apartments of city dwellers, and in some small settlements there is no mention all year round. Alas, people have no choice but to take the decision of this issue into their own hands. A good way out of this situation would be an electric boiler, which will make it possible to have hot water at any time of the year. Consider water heaters from the famous German manufacturer AEG.

About the manufacturer

The German company AEG began to produce huge cast-iron boilers in those ancient times when water heaters did not exist.It was at the beginning of the last century, and even then AEG products were in high demand among customers. Today this company produces a huge range of equipment and has an impeccable reputation in the market in all countries of the world.

Today, AEG water heaters will be our focus.

As you know, meet on clothes. Therefore, the first impression of this device, of course, is formed depending on its appearance. The design is simple and flawless - both in terms of aesthetic perception of the device itself, and its compatibility with the interior. One gets the impression that the device will organically fit in almost any kitchen or bathroom. Since the manufacturer offers a wide range of models, it is possible to choose a heater of this size and type, which is suitable for any room.

By the way, speaking of design, it is impossible not to recall the historical fact: it was in the staff of AEG that in the distant 1907 a specialist appeared for the first time in history, whose position they would now call a corporate designer - until his appearance, no one in the world paid attention to such a serious approach to appearance appliances such as kettles or wall clock.

Of course, there are a lot of cheap Chinese water heaters on the market, and sellers will be enthusiastically talking about the quality that they are in no way inferior to their branded counterparts. But it is obvious that their stories are unlikely to convince a person who is accustomed to good-quality products of reputable German manufacturers.

Types and models

In a variety of models it is just right to get confused, but we will try to figure it out and sort it all out on the shelves. First of all, it must be said that AEG produces two main types of water heaters: flow-through and storage. The difference between them is fundamental: in the first case, the main advantage of the device is its compactness, and in the second, on the contrary, capacity.

First, let's talk about storage boilers. They, in turn, also happen two types: in floor and wall execution. Installation of the latter is, as the name implies, on the wall in a vertical state, and pipes are supplied from below.

Accumulative water heater is a structure equipped with a cold water filling tank. Inside are heating elements that provide heating of the water.To keep the water at a high temperature as long as possible (and, as a result, to minimize the cost of electricity for heating), a special air gap is arranged inside. Of course, the tank requires a certain space to install it.

The manufacturer offers several series depending on the volume of tanks. Available in models from 30 to 75 liters. The big plus is that the device can easily be used not only for one, but also for several points of dismantling. I am glad about the high class of protection of boilers - even they are not afraid of a direct hit of a jet of water.

The capacity of the device, designed to store water, is made of steel, which has a corrosion-resistant coating of special enamel. Additional protection against scale formation and corrosion in the form of a replaceable magnetic anode is also provided. The heating element with which the device is supplied is tubular and placed in a housing made also of stainless steel. The manufacturer has also taken care to minimize heat loss: the device has a thermal insulation layer consisting of polyurethane foam.

As for instantaneous water heaters, they are also different: pressure and non-pressure. Prototniki are available in several series and vary in power: from a small 3.5 kW (producing 1.75 liters per minute) to the most powerful 6 kW (3 liters per minute). Installation is carried out in the presence of even single-phase electrical network. These water heaters, unlike accumulative, will not cope with the directed hit of a jet of water, but you can not be afraid of ordinary splashes.

Since the water tank is not needed by the proto-workers, they have very compact dimensions and can easily be installed even in hidden places, for example, you can hide this kid in the kitchen under the sink.

All models of water heaters of the German manufacturer AEG have a number of common characteristics.

First of all, it is high quality. All models without exception, regardless of their category and cost, possess it. Also, absolutely all devices comply with European safety standards, which is reflected in the relevant quality certificates (all models have them).

Copper heating elements are used for heating. The devices are equipped with a multi-level protective system - sensors,protecting from overheating and from voltage surges in the network, all devices are supplied with a special safety valve designed for safe operation of the heater. In case the water temperature reaches the limit level, the built-in protective thermostat will work and independently disconnect the device from the electrical network.

The principle of operation of the Comfort model is standard. This version of the product basically has only positive feedback. They can be 50, 80 and 100 liters, and in the set is a quality fuse.

How to choose the right model?

Before buying a water heater you need to answer a few basic questions. First of all, you have to analyze what exactly you want from this device, why you need it. For example, you need hot water for the period of the repair of the water supply system in an apartment or house, in other words, your need is one-time. The acquisition of a powerful giant with high performance in this situation will obviously be superfluous - a simple low power protocler is quite enough.

There are other parameters that must be considered when selecting options. Important among them is the number of intended users of the device. It is not uncommon for people to buy a water heater, guided by considerations of economy, in other words, they choose a cheaper model, without thinking that a tank may not be enough for a family of four people.

In the previous paragraphs, we figured out what is common to different categories of water heaters. But this is clearly not enough to make a choice. Therefore, we now consider their main differences.

Storage boilers are able to supply the whole family with hot water, they spend relatively little electricity (about 1.5-2 kW / hour). But unfortunately, you will not get hot water right away - you have to wait until the device warms it for you. During this time, all sorts of inconveniences may occur, especially if we are talking about a family with a small child who urgently needed a bathroom. And just to wash your hands before eating you want all the same, not cold, but hot water.

There is one more obvious disadvantage - this is the already mentioned problem with the dimensions of the device. To install it you need to have a roomy room.Of course, the devices have a different volume of tanks, including a relatively small, but in a small "odnushku" every centimeter of free space counts.

As for protochnik, everything is exactly the opposite. You will have hot water as soon as you turn on the heater. But alas, it will have to be paid for in the literal sense: the power consumption will be very noticeable, the meter will immediately spin an order of magnitude faster (costs usually amount to at least 5 kW / h). Such devices are advisable to install, for example, in the suburban conditions.

Mounting on their own

An electric water heater is, of course, not an hadron collider, but still not the simplest device. To install it, you need to have not only knowledge of the installation of water supply pipes, but also possess the basic skills of the electrician profession. If the owner is a “hands-on” person who knows the plumbing works, then installing a boiler will not be impossible for him. Obviously, in this case, it will be possible to save a decent amount from the family budget, as it is not cheap to invite a professional to produce such works.

There are a number of rules that you need to know in order to install a water heater was successful.

  • If you install a cumulative boiler with a wall mount, remember that the installation of such devices is possible only on the supporting walls: a large-capacity tank, and even filled with water, weighs so much that an ordinary partition just will not stand.
  • During connection to the water supply networks, it is necessary to install a safety valve, which is supplied with the product.
  • We must take care of tightness. For this most often used fum-tape: it allows you to achieve excellent waterproofing.

In addition, before connecting to the power grid, you must make sure that your electrical wiring is able to withstand such a load.

Of course, for independent work, you must strictly follow the instructions for installation, which is supplied with each product.

And the last tip: if you are not too confident in your abilities and are not an experienced master, entrust installation to professionals. You may have to part with a certain amount of money, but you will be insured against those failures and problems that usually await newbies when installing complex electrical appliances.

About what qualities the AEG water heater has, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
