"Aquaphor" or "Barrier": which water filter is better?

 Aquaphor or Barrier: which water filter is better?

No man can live without water. However, it is not always useful, especially if you drink it directly from the tap. According to statistics, up to eighty percent of all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that were recorded, arose precisely because of the fact that people used polluted water. After all, every day people not only drink, but also use liquid for cooking. That is why it is so important that it be of high quality and purified from all kinds of impurities that only harm the body.

Solving a problem with polluted water is easy - you should only use filters.The most popular firms that produce cleaners are Aquaphor and Barrier. Before buying, you need to decide which of these brands is suitable for use more.

Special features

To determine which brand is better, it is necessary to carefully examine all the characteristics of the models that are in their catalogs. And also it is necessary to take into account the opinion of experts and reviews of those people who have already purchased one or another filter and managed to evaluate its quality.

Both companies have been working in the market for a long time and constantly occupy the first places at various exhibitions of household goods. And they also have an extensive range of filters. These are both small home and industrial models. Both Aquaphor and Barrier have quality certificates that comply with ISO 9001: 2000. This means that all their products are tested and clean the water as well as possible without depriving it of useful elements.

In addition, they are made of materials that are safe for human health.


It is difficult to compare two popular brands, because they are in many ways similar. The difference lies in the details, and to understand the filter from which company is better, you can only analyze specific examples.

The product catalog of both companies consists of full-fledged jug filters and high-grade nozzles for taps.But there are also water purification systems for wells or boreholes.

The most common and affordable filters are classic jugs. They can qualitatively clean the liquid from various harmful additives. If we compare the filters produced by Aquaphor and Barrier, the models have a lot in common. They resemble an ordinary jug having a lid.

The price of this model is almost the same for both brands. In addition, both companies give a guarantee of deep water purification from various impurities, including chlorine. This fact is confirmed by independent experts who have tested the products of both companies. But there are differences between them.

Filter jugs from "Aquaphor"

On sale you can find more than fourteen types of such models from this popular manufacturer. The volume of the jug is from two and a half to four liters. The largest resource of the module in the filter jugs from Aquaphor is three hundred liters, while for the manufacturers of the Barrier the indicator reaches three hundred and fifty liters. However, the material used to create filters from this brand is not so durable. In this they lose a little to their competitors.

Filter jug ​​perfectly purifies water from all kinds of harmful substances, has a lot of good reviews. Some are unhappy with the slow filtering, but this is the trouble of all the "jugs", and not just those that this brand distributes.

Filter-jugs from the company "Barrier"

About sixteen different models from this company have already appeared on the markets. At the same time, manufacturers do not stop and are constantly engaged in new developments, trying to improve the quality of their products.

Water purifiers from the Barrier brand have many pleasant reviews, although they are considered less popular than Aquaphor purifiers. It is also worth saying that replaceable cartridges from these two manufacturers can significantly reduce the level of fluoride in water.

This is very important for families where there is a small child that requires fairly clean water.

Not only classic "jugs" are very popular among fans of these brands. The most effective, but at the same time, the most expensive system for purifying water are stationary cleaners for washing. Each such model is a nozzle on a crane, which is installed at the sink and after that works as an ordinary mixer.The only difference is that after installing the filter water is already clean.

These filters have not one degree of purification, but three or five. They have a combination of cartridges, but they must all be from the same manufacturer. Cartridges can be combined as you like, depending on the needs of the family and the degree of water pollution.

The manufacturers of Aquaphor have flow filters with a fairly high performance. This model cleans one hundred and fifty liters of water per hour. And there are also multi-stage fluid cleaning systems, the minimum resource of which is 8000 l. However, in this regard, they are slightly inferior to cleaners from the "Barrier".

As can be seen from the above, these companies have almost no differences, which means that they are interchangeable. Therefore, you can buy goods from both manufacturers, not very afraid for the consequences. According to the test voting of users, “Aquaphor” took the leading place, but the Barrier ”was the second.

Which to choose?

Deciding to purchase a filter for water purification, you need to decide on which brand and which model to choose. An ordinary buyer is difficult to answer this question.After all, manufacturers offer both stationary and mobile water purifiers, which have different cost. Each filter has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, buying a cleaner, you need to consider only their needs.

Flow filters

They purify water quite effectively. In this case, the water is a continuous stream. Of course, the pressure is weaker than in a conventional faucet. However, you can fill the kettle or bowl with water very quickly. The system includes special built-in filters that are installed under the sink.

Flow-through cleaners have different degrees of filtration in flasks. This is very good, because if you pollute one, you can replace it without waiting for the others. The first filter does mechanical cleaning, the second produces its disinfection. Then there is a selection of phenol and dioxin, which remain in the last of the filters. The result is clear water that you can drink even calmly to babies.

Desktop filters

Such models are a small container, which is located near the sink and connected to the faucet. These can be jug-like models. At the same time, they are slightly larger and more voluminous.

Nozzle filters

This type of cleaner is perfect for small kitchens, where every free centimeter is appreciated. In this case, the nozzle is attached directly to the crane. One of its advantages is mobility. You can either take this compact filter with you or put it in a drawer when you don’t need it. I am glad that they are easy to use.

But at the same time such attachments have many drawbacks. This is, above all, a low level of purification and productivity of only two hundred grams per minute. Generally speaking, they can be used to clean a small amount of liquid. And also they are slightly inferior to the "jugs" in convenience.

Stationary filters

One of the most powerful and expensive cleaners are considered stationary filters. Install them most often in the bedside table, located directly under the sink. The faucet, which is mounted next to the traditional mixer, is supplied with this filter. He has more than one degree of purification. It is also pleasing that you can install a purification system yourself that will solve all the problems. It is water softening, cleaning the fluid from chlorine and rust, and so on.

This category of filters also includes cleaners with a function called reverse osmosis. Purification of water in this case is done at the expense of the membrane, which retains all substances that can harm the body.

If we talk about the advantages of these filters, they have the highest degree of purification, which is equal to 99%. You can use this device for a year without changing consumables. And everything else, clean water can be drunk at any time, without waiting for it to stand. Simply turn on the tap, and you can immediately draw water.

Now for the cons. If you compare the installation of stationary filters with other types of cleaners, then it is the most difficult. Such models can hardly be called compact. The price of filters is quite high, but if you count the fact that there is rarely a replacement of consumables, then this covers all costs.

Do not forget that the filters with reverse osmosis, purify water almost perfectly, and it becomes close in composition to distilled water. Therefore, if there is an opportunity, then it is best to buy just such a model.

The described types of filters are present in the catalogs of both companies, therefore, as a rule, buyers take the cleaner that is available or has a more affordable price.


Many experts recommend to properly assess the level of water pollution, and only then buy the right filter. This is relevant for filters from both Barrier and Aquaphor. If the water is polluted, or children live in the house, then it is better to spend money on a high-quality and expensive filter of a modern type that will make any water suitable for drinking.

When buying and installing a filter, we must remember that in pursuit of the quality of water, it is not necessary to get too carried away with its purification. If it has been cleaned with a classic filter, you should not filter it again in a jug or boil it. After all, it will deprive the water of all useful minerals, and it will be simply useless. The quality of drinking water must comply with the requirements of SanPiN That is, the water must be not only safe, but also epidemiologically clean.

But it is also very important to choose a filter of a suitable size. If the family is quite large, then it is better to buy a filter jug ​​of large size.But for active people who love to travel, suitable option suitable for travel, that is, the flow filter.

Testimonials from those people who have already purchased any filters greatly help others in their purchases. Indeed, thanks to the information available on the Internet, one can find out which of them are the best and are suitable for certain conditions.

The filter-jug for water “Barrier” was used by some consumers for three years, and before that they bought drinking water. The reviews are positive, there is no need to buy bottled water. As for “Aquaphor”, the reviews are also mostly positive. True, those consumers whose water is harder, recommended some other filter with stronger cleaning.

Summing up, it can be said with confidence that both Aquaphor and Barrier are companies that produce high-quality products. You can safely buy any filters from these manufacturers, even “jugs”, even nozzles, even industrial filters. Such a purchase will not only make the water more pleasant to the taste, but also improve the health of all residents of the house.

In the next video you will find a comparison of filter jugs for water from the Aquaphor, Anna, Barrier and Brita brands.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
