How to apply hammer paint on metal?

Acrylic and water-based paints are widely known to consumers. Many people have enough experience to apply them, without paying much attention to the manufacturers instructions. But it is impossible to say the same about hammer paint, although its merits are not subject to doubt. In some cases it is necessary to use only such a coating.

Special features

Hammer paint is designed to paint a rusty surface. The presence or absence of the original layer of another paint, as well as the execution of exterior or interior works have no meaning. In all cases, the coloring composition manifests itself with dignity and quality. It acquired its name due to the appearance of the applied coating.It seems to be made of metal, which is manually minted with a blacksmith's hammer.

Originally hammer paints covered industrial and laboratory equipment, for which external beauty is less significant than the service life. Until recently, other colors of hammer paint (except gray) were not produced.

It is able to mask significant surface drops, and can also be used for re-staining. In recent years, technologists have corrected the flaws in their predecessors, and now this material is made in a variety of colors and shades.

Main characteristics

Hammer paint for metal formed by a combination of acrylic, epoxy and alkyd-styrene substances. For their binding between themselves, crushed glass of small fraction and aluminum powder are used. Liquid dye has a high level of adhesion. Once it hardens, a sturdy protective layer appears on the surface of the metal.

The introduction of metal powder increases the strength of the paintwork, but makes this mixture unsuitable for spray application. We'll have to work by hand (brush).Modern samples of hammer inks contain various types of colored dyes.

This material is very resistant to temperature changes, so up to 80 degrees of heat can be used quietly. There is no need to scrupulously clean and prime the rusty surface (while other varnishes, paints and enamels necessarily require such preparation, but even with its careful execution it is not always good and stable).

The coloring process is very simple and easy, and the colored layer is not sticky.

If you use an aerosol can, after 120 minutes a layer of hammer paint acquires high strength and final condition.

Even vibration can not destroy its layer, and anti-corrosion properties are maintained for at least 6-7 years. Hammer paint is safe for humans.. If she tints the defects of the main coating, the difference in their tonality will be barely noticeable.


To realize all the positive aspects of hammer paint, painting required:

  • It is recommended to apply it with a horizontal arrangement of surfaces, otherwise the liquid will drain, and an attractive shagreen effect will not be achieved at all.
  • In cases where you can not put the painted object, will have to apply formulations with the fastest drying. They do not have time to create ugly drips before it dries.
  • Before painting new metal products, remove the factory grease to expose the actual surface of the structure. Such a requirement is necessarily respected, regardless of the type of dye.
  • ML-165 is a heat resistant hammer paint with excellent adhesion effect to the surface. It is recommended to apply it where the metal can warm up to 130 degrees. There are other varieties of coverage. Each has its own specific features.

The amount of dye that is written on the packaging is only approximate and varies depending on various factors.

  • Standard paint brushes and rollers are not suitable for working with this composition. Need to use special tools. If the base is very smooth and polished to a shine, you need to brush it with a metal brush or sandpaper to improve grip.
  • Try to remove peeling rust in advance (the coating will lie flat only on a uniform surface).You need to clean this dirt with angle grinders, or with a drill, which are complemented with metal brushes.
  • It is possible to remove powder coatings which are unsuitable for dyeing with hammer paint if they are applied by burning or treated with special solvents.
  • After the base has been prepared by spray cans, hammer paint is applied on minor flat structures. And if the geometric shape is more complicated, you need to choose a brush - it is her who paint the benches and complex welded products. Always use only dilution products recommended by the manufacturer.

To learn how to apply hammer paint, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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