Shower Tropical Rain

The tropical shower is a type of stationary overhead shower. The second name of this soul is “Tropical Rain”. Not everyone has heard about it due to the fact that such a shower appeared on the market relatively recently. But, despite the low level of popularity of this sanitary device, many users have already appreciated the principle of its work and love this type of soul for its quality.

What is a tropical shower

“Tropical rain” is not only a shower as such, besides its intended purpose, it has a pleasant massage and relaxing effect during the operation. The watering device provides a powerful stormwater pressure, which invigorates and at the same time relaxes the whole body.

Most experts believe that the use of the soul is much more favorable effect on the emotional and physical state of a person than taking a bath. Specialists who developed the Tropical Raining Watering Canister, wanted to achieve a favorable relaxing and tonic effect for their customers. And they did it, because the shower head has a large area of ​​spraying, and water droplets evenly fall on the whole body, and do not hit certain areas, as it happens with a standard watering can.

The design of the watering cans of a tropical soul can be completely diverse. Some units have the ability to manually adjust the head and switch modes, whether large or small drops.

Popular are watering cans with integrated lighting. A large variation of colors may vary with changes in water temperature. This property also helps a person to relax and get great pleasure from water treatments.

Experts constantly invent and add new functions to this kind of soul. Most recently, a new model has been released that has the function of producing tropical flavors. And some models are surprised by the mode of unpredictable change in the intensity of water pressure, the so-called “surprise effect”, when at any moment the power of the flow of water can change.


In the form of watering cans, the souls are absolutely diverse - round, square, oval or rectangular. The size can also be selected based on the parameters of the bath or shower, as well as your individual preferences. Thus, the shower-rain can be installed in any bathroom.

The watering can of a tropical soul works on the principle of an aerator. Due to the multi-layered fine mesh installed inside it, water droplets are saturated with oxygen. With this function, the consumption of water consumed is reduced, and the skin is beneficially affected.

Recessed shower heads are made of brass or steel, and can also be chrome-plated or nickel-plated. It is recommended to use steel or brass watering cans, as they are more durable and environmentally friendly. The main point is also the choice of the mixer and other components necessary for the installation of the shower.

Options for the performance of a tropical soul:

  • fixed shower panel;
  • on a stationary rack;
  • mixer;
  • panel mounted in the ceiling.

If necessary, it is possible to install a removable design, and the types of execution of the watering cans can be changed.The most popular diameter of the device is 250 mm. It is much easier to disassemble.

Stationary shower panel

This option is very functional and complex, as it combines the main sprayer - a tropical shower, a mixer, and a flexible shower. For greater convenience, this type of shower should be used mainly in the shower. The only drawback of such an installation is its high price.

Shower, stationary rack

For the price of this option is more attractive than the first. You can install it in the cabin or in the bath. Racks, in addition to the main watering can, may also include a flexible shower, spout and mixer.


This is a habitual shower for many users on a flexible hose. It can be used both in the shower and in the bath. This is the most affordable and inexpensive version of the execution. But it can not be called a full-fledged tropical shower, because due to its size, shape and flow of water, it is not able to provide the proper effect.

Ceiling Mounted Panel

With this type of installation, the watering can is connected to the ceiling, and all communications are hidden under it.Therefore, this design looks very harmonious and solid. This method of attachment allows you to opt for the largest sizes of watering cans, and this will help you to more fully plunge into the atmosphere of tropical rain.

You can purchase a ready-made cabin with an already installed watering can, but if you want and to save money, you can easily install the device yourself.

The role of the mixer

In the water supply system there are many pipes and taps, thanks to which water is supplied directly to the shower. The task of the mixer remains mixing between hot and cold water. As a result, the mixer produces water at the optimum and desired temperature.

For a tropical shower, thermostatic mixers are usually used. The thermostat keeps the set temperature constant. But to save money, you can also choose a conventional faucet without a thermostat. To do this, you only need to replace the watering can with a special divider, which distributes the water flow to the person.

In addition, a special faucet for such a shower has a switch, thanks to which you can change the head power and methods of water supply.

Premium rain shower

For more sophisticated and demanding customers, they have invented a line of premium tropical showers. Such plumbing installations are equipped with additional options. In addition to the aeration function, there is also the possibility of remote control, multi-colored LED lights, a system of multidirectional water flow. For example, a tropical rain watering can be combined with a waterfall mode. Such an embodiment can be used both in turn and at the same time, obtaining various desired effects.

Such shower systems are by right the most expensive.

How to choose

There are some nuances that are worth remembering when buying a tropical soul.

  • Learn the complete set of the shower. Communication installations differ from each other in form, nozzles, water supply mode, additional rod, number of regulating nozzles.
  • It is necessary to determine the method of installation. For some types of systems, internal mounting is provided. Therefore, in order to install a shower, it will be necessary to disassemble a part of the wall and ceiling. This should be considered before finishing the room.
  • Ask about what settings your chosen soul model has. There are many additional useful options, such as a light or a thermostat, which fixes the set temperature. The function of adjusting the consumption of liters of water per minute can also be integrated.

Tips for installing a tropical shower yourself

Many are set to make this kind of soul with their own hands, and not by chance, because it is quite simple. It should be done in stages, following the instructions. And it is best to think about everything at the stage of construction of a dwelling or during the reconstruction of your bathroom.

The action algorithm for creating a tropical soul is as follows:

  • Get all the necessary components and accessories in advance.
  • Determine the place where you will have a mixer, and choose the optimum height for installing the shower head.
  • Stitch grooves for all required water pipes.
  • Lay the pipes.
  • Assemble the mixer and connect it to the pipes.
  • Install a watering can.
  • Check the performance of the shower and the tightness of the system.
  • Sand the wall and do all the necessary finishing work.

    These are all the steps you need to take. Your shower, of course, will be distinguished by simplicity, because most likely it will not have all the additional functions that are available in the full factory version of the product. But on the other hand, it will be original, economical in terms of waste of water, healing and regenerating. Also, the design does not require the investment of large funds.

    Care for the system "Tropical rain"

    Everyone knows that during the operation of baths and showers on the walls, faucets, watering cans and pipes there is a characteristic plaque. Plaque is dried up water droplets in which various salts are dissolved. Such a plaque basically has a light shade. But with a high content of other impurities in the water, water stains can become reddish in color. Both cases bring troubles and discomfort to users.

    In addition to an aesthetic defect, plaque also has a detrimental effect on the appearance of racks, watering cans, bathtubs and showers in general, destroying the integrity and strength of the element. It can also lead to clogged nozzles and water obstruction through them.

    When at least a few nozzles clog, the power of the water supply changes, and accordingly, the effect of the tropical soul itself decreases.Therefore, it is imperative to promptly clean the shower head.

    The simplest and most inexpensive way to clean the shower can serve as vinegar, which probably is in every home. To clean the nozzles will need to unscrew the watering can and soak it in vinegar for some time. Vinegar will easily dissolve all deposits and return the watering can and nozzles to their original appearance. In the same way, you can clean the ceiling shower panel by carefully removing it.

    Using this type of cleaning, you should remember that for devices made of stainless steel and having a chrome finish, vinegar is safe. But brass products in the interaction with vinegar can be oxidized, because vinegar has a high chemical activity. After removing the residue with vinegar, thoroughly rinse all parts with running water and reassemble it. The shower device is ready for further use.

    In addition to the "folk remedies", there are many specialized detergent compositions that can be purchased at the store. If after applying one of the options, you are unhappy with the result,You can try to clean each nozzle manually by yourself or consult a specialist.

        A tropical shower is a great alternative to a standard shower with a small watering can. It is an excellent opportunity to combine several cases at once - hygienic procedures, rehabilitation, massage and relaxation. Pricing policy varies greatly, and this means that everyone can find for themselves options for products that are suitable for him.

        And for a longer and uninterrupted operation of the shower device, it is necessary to monitor its cleanliness and timely disinfect.

        In the video below you will see an overview of the rain shower and its device.

        Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

        Entrance hall

        Living room
