Barrier filters: variations, subtleties of choice and installation

In recent years, the quality of tap water in cities has deteriorated significantly. The reasons for this, as usual, are well known and understood by everyone - depreciation of urban pipelines, lack of necessary maintenance of filtration stations, outdated water purification technologies, and so on. For these and other reasons, the quality of the water we drink leaves much to be desired. For this reason, people often have to buy water filters themselves. The system of water filtration in apartments for many people has long been something commonplace.

Special features

One of the most effective filters that are currently on the market are the filters of a Russian company called Barrier.They are considered one of the most effective, as they have excellent characteristics and are represented by a large number of different models. Thanks to this, everyone will be able to find a filter that will best meet their needs and will allow them to drink really clean water every day.

The line of cleaners of this manufacturer is represented by various models:

  • jugs;
  • crane nozzles;
  • medium filter cleaning filters;
  • filters with maximum cleaning capacity.

Now we list separately the advantages and disadvantages of each category.

If we talk about jug filters, their advantages are that:

  • they perfectly clean the liquid from chlorine;
  • have a low price;
  • they do not require installation and are as simple as possible (in this case they do not even need an instruction manual).

At the same time, they have disadvantages:

  • they have a small volume;
  • often replace cartridges;
  • jug can not clean the water from a number of substances, as well as pathogenic bacteria

If we talk about nozzle filters, their advantages are as follows:

  • purify water better than a jug, because it removes some small substances and chlorine compounds;
  • occupy a small amount of space;
  • have a small cost.


  • water flows very slowly and it will not work quickly to get water;
  • no removal of dissolved salts and microorganisms.

If we talk about the benefits of medium cleaning filters, then this is:

  • simple installation;
  • easy cartridge change;
  • excellent cleansing function;
  • fast water purification rate.

Speaking about the shortcomings, should be called:

  • lack of cleansing of some pathogens and viruses;
  • only partial purification from nitrates, salts of liquids, trichloromethane, iron, manganese.

Filters with the highest cleaning capacity have the following advantages:

  • high degree of purification;
  • ease of cartridge change.

If we talk about the shortcomings, first of all they take up a large amount of space. It should also be said that the replacement of elements in such systems is quite troublesome.

What type of use at home - you decide.


We have already touched on the topic of varieties of models, united under the brand of filters "Barrier" for water. It is easy to make sure that this brand has a large number of models of various types.Among these cleaning filters you can find various solutions for any needs, as well as to obtain certain categories of water.

And the first group of filters, which will be discussed - household. The simplest option is a filter jug. It is a small type of container, in appearance resembling a kettle. The filter of this type of installation does not require: water is poured into it and cleaned while passing through a replaceable cartridge containing activated coke coal or carbon that has undergone silver processing or ion exchange resins.

It should be said that the choice of models in this category is quite wide: you can find models of various sizes (up to four liters). The size of the latter will be an excellent solution for large families, and small jugs are suitable for the interior of a small kitchen or studio apartment, and can easily fit in a refrigerator. Replaceable cartridges can then filter approximately 350 liters of water. But this figure will depend on the quality of the water itself. In this series of filters there are about 15 models that are designed for different water characteristics and volumes.

Another interesting category - baby jugs filters. The models with cassettes are designed for children aged 0+ and 4+. The first version of cassettes created for the youngest kids. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that water is completely purified with silver, and all metals are removed. For older children, there is a second type of hard type water cartridge. In this case, the water is enriched with fluorine and magnesium, which are necessary for children, and is purified from heavy metals, chlorine and various kinds of impurities.

Another type of household cleaners - filters for washing. Such a cleaner, as the name implies, is mounted directly under the sink in the kitchen. In this category there are several models: "Expert" and "Profi". In each there are four models: "Ferrum", "Complex", "Standard" and "Hard." Model "Standard" gives a good three-stage water treatment, "Hard" is designed to soften hard water, "Ferrum" - to clean water from iron, which is in it, and "Complex" combines the best characteristics of the three models described above.

It should be noted that the filters under the sink can pass up to 2 liters of water in 60 seconds, and the life of filtering parts reaches 10 thousand liters.

Another type from this category is a nozzle shower filter. In small rooms it is not always possible to allocate space even for the installation of a small filtering device. Then a nozzle filter that can be easily inserted between the mixer and the watering can is an excellent solution. The resource element of the filtration element in this case is enough for six months or 5 thousand liters of water.

Another category that should be mentioned - filters for cottages. Such buildings usually have a stand-alone water supply system and need separate cleaning solutions. One of these cleaners are prefilters. They are intended for water that is obtained from wells or wells. It is usually contaminated with particles of clay and sand, which can be a cause of breakdowns of household appliances, and even drinking such water can be very dangerous. In prefilters, the filtration rate is about 10 liters in 60 seconds. Their term of service is 1 year.

    Another group - water softeners. Such filters are necessary to remove various trace elements from the water. Most often we are talking about calcium and magnesium salts. These solutions can be called high-tech due to the fact that they adapt to water consumption in fact within 14 days.This eliminates the need for human intervention in the process of setting up such devices to suit your own requirements. For the overwhelming majority of cases, pre-setting is appropriate.

    If we talk about the models of the brand in question, then there are two types of this type:

    • BWT AQUADIAL Softlife 15;
    • BWT AQUADIAL Softlife 25.

    The numbers in the name of each model reflect the amount of water that can soften the device in one minute.

    In this large category should also be allocated such a group as the main filters. They are usually used where there is a need for long-term cleaning of large amounts of water. These models are designed to take into account the characteristics of domestic water supply systems. They can be installed both individually and as part of an integrated water treatment system.

    The manufacturer offers as many as 11 models that can purify water from chlorine, mechanical impurities or iron particles. It is believed that this group of filters is one of the most effective water treatment mechanisms: it combines several steps and literally removes all impurities.Even if we are talking about microbiological pollution, then cleaning is carried out from them.

    Another category is reverse osmosis filters. As a rule, a similar option is mounted under the sink, has an accumulation tank and a tap for supplying clean liquid. A simple device of such a system makes it possible to replace the filter type elements on their own in just a few minutes. If we talk about the performance of such models, it is up to 200 liters per day. The life of the cassette is 1 year.

    The “Barrier” brand can offer three models of such a mechanism:

    • Profi Osmo;
    • "Profi Osmo" Boost;
    • "Space".

    All models differ from other technological filtration mechanism, as well as the number of explicit stages of cleaning.

    Also, the brand "Barrier" produces models for industrial companies. As a rule, professional water treatment systems for industrial premises are called “Barrier. Professional solutions.

    Such options are perfect for enterprises of the municipal segment, the sector of housing and communal services, the fuel and energy complex, industrial and agricultural enterprises, and the service sector.All projects of such systems are created by engineers of the company together with the customer and in accordance with his needs.


    If we talk about components, then for the filters of the “Barrier” brand there are only two types of them: cassettes and tees. The latter are intended to divide the pipe into several parts. Such a spare part will be necessary if you need to install one filter, but then the pipeline should be divided into two parts, that is, first, closer to the water source, a filter is installed, then the tee is installed, and the pipes are further expanded in the right direction.

    Another type of component - the so-called cassette. Best of all, their visual work will be visible on the filter jugs: such a cassette of a certain type is mounted inside, and when water is poured into the jug, it first passes through this filter before it enters the water tank itself.

    It should be said that today the following models of cassettes are presented on the website of the Barrier company:

    • standard;
    • classic;
    • rigidity;
    • iron hardness;
    • ultra;
    • mineral;
    • fluorine +;
    • magnesium enrichment.

    As you can see from the name, each cassette performs a certain type of water treatment, which allows you to bring the water in accordance with the characteristics that are required by the client.

    Product overview and reviews

    Now it will not be superfluous to make a small review of the range of models of water purifiers from the Barrier brand. In this section, more will be discussed on filters for running water. According to experts, the most effective will be such solutions as “Light”, “Classic”, “Grand Neo”, “Profi Osmo”, “Profi Rigidity”, “Profi Hard”.

    In general, flow filters, as we have said, are special multistage cleaning systems.where not one, but several cartridges work at once. Everyone is responsible for cleaning a certain type, removing pathogenic microbes, hardness salts, and also natural metals from a liquid. And in the end we get really clean water, which will be the most beneficial to our health.

    Modular equipment will depend on the number of interchangeable cassettes and their type. That is, with any composition of water, you can achieve the effect you need and make it really clean and safe for health - it will be enough just to connect a certain set of filters.

    The first type on which I would like to stop my attention is “Profi Hard”. This option for hard water has an easy connection to the water supply mechanism, and is usually mounted on a bracket. Included with it are usually three filter elements: “Softening”, “PostCarbon” and “Mechanics”. All models are made in a professional version.

    All this gives the model a number of advantages.

    • Despite the fact that the pre-type cleaning cassette from impurities of an insoluble type has the same dimensions as in the Expert line, the area of ​​the filtration field here will be larger. That is, it makes it possible to perform faster purification of a larger volume of water.
    • Aftertreatment retains not only chlorine, but also iron of the dissolved type, which can not always be caught by mechanical type filters. A filter element "PostKarbon" can disinfect water with silver granules and activated carbon.
    • The softening unit, which is based on ionized resin, not only holds hardness salts, but also replaces them with a small number of sodium ions. Their lack in the body can cause dehydration of the body cells.

    The following types of filters that I would like to talk about are Profi Ferrum and Profi Complex models. These purifiers are designed for liquids in which there is a high content of ferrous iron in dissolved form. Simple cartridges simply do not catch it, because it becomes solid only when oxidized. But such a three-stage filter can easily stop it. This function is assigned to the cartridge "Profi Ferro-Stop", which creates the conditions for the decomposition of such iron in the sediment. Solid iron is held by a mechanical filter with a cleaning degree of up to one micron. As a rule, the kit is enough for six months - a year.

    In addition, these filters can purify water from dissolved iron, as well as iron from the colloidal category. But this is not all: these filters can still make it softer, removing potassium and magnesium salts. It is because of them that scum appears in our kettles. Also present here is the ion exchange.

    Another type of filter is Profi Osmo. This option is a five-step mechanism for water purification using a reverse osmosis mechanism. And also it softens the water.Here, special membranes of the osmotic type, in which there are tiny holes, are responsible for safety. Water goes to them under pressure, so that only water molecules pass through the grid, and other impurities are trapped by the filter and immediately go to the sewer drain. The only downside to this filter is the complexity of the connection. But it is worth it, because at the exit the water will have just crystal clarity.

    It should be said that the resource of such a filter is, depending on the intensity of use, from six months to a year. In general, each filtration element has its own time interval of work. It is for this model that two mechanical cartridges are used, which retain solid particles from 5 microns in size on the second stage and from 1 micron on the next.

    In addition, it uses the latest filters, which can not be said:

    • "Sorption";
    • Osmo 100;
    • "PostFilter".

    "Sorption" is the second stage of water purification, when the removal of all substances containing chlorine and harmful not only to the human body, but also to the state of the osmotic membrane.In this type of filter, granules of activated carbon, which was obtained from coconut shell, are used. In the cartridge, the granules are arranged so as to make more absorption. This type of filter technology can run smoothly from 6 months to 1 year. Everything will depend on the intensity of use.

    “Osmo 100” is the next cleaning stage where impurities such as benzene, lead, various hardness salts and some bacteria are removed from the water. There is also an osmotic membrane of three layers. Her term of work is 11–22 months. It all depends on the intensity of use of the filter.

    "PostFilter" is the last stage of purification. It removes various unpleasant odors, and the water is completely disinfected. The resource of this filter is 5-10 months.

    You can call another option "K-Osmosis", which works on a similar principle. Here the filters are compactly placed in a special plastic box, but there are only 4 cleaning steps (there is no “Mechanics” filter). The sorption unit here will be better due to the fact that it can delay not only chlorine, but also quite dangerous and carcinogenic benzene. The operating time of such a mechanism is from 5 to 10 months.

    It would not be superfluous to say about another type - “Expert Stiffness”. This category provides a complex purification of the hard water type. Line models that are multistage, have their own faucet, mounted on the sink. Such a filter can clean 10 cubic meters of liquid, which can be called a pretty decent indicator. This became possible due to the optimization of the filter activity: they keep the water hardness at a certain level, that is, they make it softer, but they do not remove minols completely.

    Here in the kit are 3 filter elements:

    • "Mechanics";
    • "PostKarbon";
    • "Mitigation."

    If we talk about the first, it carries out a preliminary cleaning of rust and various solid compounds, the size of which is more than 5 microns. Its resource, depending on the intensity of use, ranges from six months to a year.

    The second type of filter removes magnesium and calcium ions. But at the same time, it has a special bypass channel, which lets in some hard water so that its softness is not too high. The resource of this cassette is up to 3 months.

    The third type is ion-exchange filters that provide final purification and removal of unpleasant odors, as well as chlorine and related compounds. The resource of this filter is from 6 months to a year.

    It should be said that this kit also has a special special lock, which makes it impossible to unscrew the replacement cartridges if the water is under pressure in the system. During the shift, it will relieve the fountain of water that will strike from under the sink. This lock simply will not allow the permutation to begin until the tap on the water supply is shut off.

    As you can see, there are really a lot of different filters, and it’s up to you to decide which one to choose. If we talk about feedback, then, like any other product, there are both positive and negative opinions. But of course, there are much more positive reviews.

    Many people write good reviews about jug filters from this brand: they are very easy to install and do not require serious maintenance. The main thing is to change cartridges in time. In addition, users note that after the use of the “Barrier” filters is started, the scale in the kettle completely disappears. This is an indication that the filters actually work and perform their function perfectly.

    If we talk about any negative reviews, it should be noted that most of the users' claims concern that after a rather short period of time after installation, various filter models fail. But here it is necessary to note that often the reason for this may be simply the incorrect installation of these filters, which users often carry out on their own, which, of course, is fundamentally wrong. Even people pay attention to the fact that if you need a large amount of water, you have to pour water several times, and then pour it into some kind of larger volume. Also, if we talk about not very positive sides, then users note that the company's support service could work faster.

    But in general, it should be noted the serious predominance of positive reviews over negative ones.

    How to choose and install?

    In order to select the “Barrier” filter, you should be guided by the following criteria:

    • type of filter that interests you;
    • the quality of the water with which to work;
    • volume of fluid consumed;
    • placement location.

    It should be said that the most simple to use is a filter jug. It perfectly cleans the water, and replacing the cartridge is easy - just enough to disassemble it. Yes, and its installation is not needed - put on the table and everything. But it has a significant minus - a small volume of the flask. By the way, such a filter is not glass, but plastic, which excludes the possibility that it will break when dropped.

    If we talk about water quality, then you first need to do a laboratory test in order to know its composition and to see the excess in one way or another. After that, it is already necessary to carry out the selection of the model with the filter, which is necessary in your case.

    Also, do not forget about such criteria as the volume of water consumed. If your family consists of three people and spends 10–11 liters of drinking water per day, then you definitely have no need to overpay and buy an industrial installation.

    And, of course, the location of the filter will be an important criterion. Not all models, especially the advanced ones, can be installed under the sink, since they simply will not fit in there. That is, this criterion also cannot be discounted, because there are cases when you have already chosen a filter, bought it, and it simply does not fit in the place where you thought it would be installed. As a result, you only lose money and time.

    If we talk directly about the installation, then with the most ordinary crane nozzles everything is pretty simple: they should be simply attached to the mixing spout and fastened. If we are talking about models of flow type, they are usually mounted near the sink: you must attach the hose from the tee to the water pipe or directly to the faucet.

    Flow solutions installed under the sink, immediately require the allocation of space, depending on what size has a filtration device that you have chosen. The transfer of water to the filter will be carried out through a tube that must be attached to the water supply using a tee. Already purified water will enter the sink with another tap, which is specifically installed for the filtration mechanism.

    Manufacturers put everything they need into the box with the cleaning kit: accessories, cartridges, and additional mixers. It is only necessary to collect all the instructions and connect to the cold water pipes.


    The first thing to say is that if you leave the house for more than a day, close the water access to the filter.The faucet is usually located on the place where the filter is connected to the water supply.

    Another tip is that if you have not used the filter for several days in a row, you should first pass water through it for 5 minutes.

    In addition, if repairs were carried out on the section of the water supply system where water is supplied, then cartridges should be replaced before. As if black water flows or it turns green with time, then this is definitely a problem with the cartridge.

    It should also be remembered that each cartridge has a shelf life. If you do not replace the cartridge on time, you may encounter the fact that the filter faucet will not let the water through. The reason for this is that the cartridge that needs to be changed has already worked its way, and particles of iron and other substances began to pass through it and hammer the valve itself.

    And it should be understood that the number of harmful impurities after the repair of pipes increases significantly. This situation significantly reduces the life of the cassettes, which is not always possible to determine by eye.

    If the greatest problem in your case is scale, then it is best to choose a reverse osmosis filter.

    Another tip: If you have small children in your family, then it is best to choose a filter specifically for children, since such products more thoroughly purify water than regular cartridges. However, such filters, unfortunately, have a rather high price, which is why not every young family can afford them.

    If there is a high content of rust or sand in the water, then the best thing to do is to use a flow filter, and not a jug: the flow purifier will have more power and flow capacity too.

    As you can see, the “Barrier” filters are a great solution if you are looking for a good water filter for your family.

    Review of the “Barrier Expert” filter is waiting for you in the video below.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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