The subtleties of making chalk paint do it yourself

There is a claim that repair is costly and troublesome, but today this process can be interesting and even fascinating, especially if you do some types of work with your own hands. You can transform the interior of any room with the help of chalk paint, which has its own characteristics and advantages over other finishing materials.

Features of chalk paint

One of the features of this type of paint is the ability to form a fairly durable coating on the surface with a matte shade. Paint, depending on the type of coating, can be slate or textured. The main advantage of this paint is the formation of a surface that is resistant to abrasion, which can be treated with soapy water, not to mention that removing the chalk pattern is easy.

Chalk paint belongs to the universal finishing means, as it fits perfectly on most materials, be it wood, metal, stone or glass. With its help you can transform the surface of any furniture., because it is quite simple to apply, and the laid layer dries very quickly.

It does not matter on what surface the composition is applied, the layer formed will help to hide most of the existing defects both on wood and on metal.

Ecological safety of this paint is beyond any doubt. It is non-toxic and does not emit harmful substances into the environment. The material is fireprooftherefore it is possible to decorate surfaces with them in any room. But it is worth remembering that blackboard refers to species that are used only for interior work..

Coloring with chalky composition is possible in the premises for any purpose, whether it is for children, kitchen or hallway. For children, slate surface is an opportunity to show their talents, because you can draw on it. The kitchen is another room where the slate surface comes in handy. On kitchen cabinets, in the worktop or wall area, the surface covered with chalk paint will help to write down recipes, leave reminders households, make a menu or a shopping list.

The hallway is also a great place for slate surfaces. Reminders written on the surface, will not let you forget about what you need to take with you when leaving home, or to urgently record the phone.

With the help of chalk paint you can decorate almost any objects: a tray, a jar for cereals, a cutting board, a container with plants and other things that need to be signed.

Slate paints are widely used not only at home, but also used for finishing public institutions: cafes, bars, restaurants, offices.


The division into types is carried out due to the composition of the paint and the type of surface obtained as a result of the application of the layer. Created by a British designer in 1990, chalk paint had an original composition and was sold under the brand name Chalk Paint. The recipe of this composition has not been disclosed so far, therefore there are many specimens on the market made from a wide variety of components. All paints are water based and the additives present in them give the corresponding names to the chalk compositions.

Pitch paints contain in their composition resins of natural or synthetic origin. The composition of the mineral species are silicates.

In milk paints, casein is an additional component, and oil oils contain linseed oil. Any of these paints can be used for art painting on glass, metal or wood, the main thing is to choose a suitable option.

Ready-made chalk compositions are available in cans or cans. The most famous today is the Finnish manufacturer, which produces a wide range of paints and varnishes, including slate paint. The coating formed by chalk paint may have a different surface texture: smooth, suitable for drawing, and uneven, having a relief.

Swedish or Finnish paints that form a smooth or structural surface belong to a different type, and are distinguished by some components that impart certain properties to the applied layer. The basis of textured or slate paint is acrylic, silicone or latex (rubber) emulsion.

To impart magnetic properties of the slate surface in the composition of the latex emulsion add small particles of metal. They give the paint magnetic properties.. Magnetic paint is great to go to any materials, and the formed surface is a good help in educational activities for children.

Emulsions that create a slate effect on the surface are usually dark in color.: black, gray, metallic, dark green, burgundy and brown. This is necessary so that the chalk pattern is visible on the surface. A colorless base is also available, which can be given any shade by adding color to the container or painting a colored surface.

For decorating individual items and painting the walls, pearl paint is often used. White color is most often used for finishing the ceiling surface. Whitewashing of the ceiling can be carried out as ready-made compositions, as prepared at home. For materials subjected to heat, use special heat-resistant or refractory compounds.

In order to keep the drawing on the surface as long as possible, the decorated object is sent for firing into the kiln.The possibility of prolonged temperature exposure is possible due to the high temperature resistance of the chalk compositions. These include stained paints used for painting on glass or ceramics.

What is needed for cooking?

In order to prepare the chalky structural paint, it is necessary to prepare several components. The basis, as a rule, is a finished acrylic or latex composition "Star". Acrylic paint is a timeless classic and the basis for all types of chalk compositions.

To form a bumpy surface, you need a filler. A variety of materials can be used as a filler: stone chips, quartz dust, fibers of synthetic origin, and other components that give the material to be painted attractive relief. These components are classified according to particle size: coarse-grained (up to 2 mm), fine-grained (≥0.5 mm) and medium particles (up to 1 mm).

It is known that the acrylic composition dries quickly, but this property of paint is not always positive. In the course of performing artistic and decorative works, fast drying is not an advantage, and therefore, a drying inhibitor is added to the prepared solution.. The fixer is used as a fixing component. It not only creates a chalky surface effect, but also ensures the adhesion of the composition to the material.

The use of conventional putty, plaster or grout gives the surface strength and resistance to mechanical stress.

Components of textured paints are particles of a solid substance, and a solvent is added to impart the desired consistency to the composition. Water is used as a diluent for acrylic and latex components.

For applying the composition, you can use different tools. The use of certain tools depends on the density of the coloring composition and the place of their application. A sprayer is used to apply the liquid formulations, and brushes, rollers and a sponge are used for paints with a thick consistency.


In order to prepare the chalk paint, you will need not so many ingredients. Most of them are familiar to everyone, and the cost of hand-made compositions is much less than that of ready-made paints.

There are several recipes with which you can get a surface with a slate effect.The basis of each recipe is acrylic paint, selected on the basis of the work site. Facade paint is used for exterior work, and for painting surfaces inside the room, a different composition is used.

  • Recipe number 1. It is necessary to mix 200 gr. acrylic composition with two tablespoons of cement. You can use pure cement or its mixture.
  • Recipe number 2. This recipe is suitable for painting small surfaces. The composition of the mixture includes three parts of paint, one part of acrylic matte varnish, one part of cement, putty or tile grout, and one part of water.

To obtain a chalky surface, you can use a component such as ordinary baking soda. On 2/3 of the coloring composition will need 1/3 of the soda. Instead of soda, you can use starch. The ratio of the components is the same, but it takes a little more water to dilute.

In order to make the best composition, which will lay down evenly, does not require grinding and will fit for application to any material, you need to prepare a mixture of calcium carbonate (chalk) and paint. The calcium carbonate powder mixes with paint in similar proportions as soda.The use of chalk for painting surfaces is a century-old tradition, so this recipe is the most common and popular.

The best option is building plaster, mixed with paint in a ratio of 3: 1. For relief, add different components to the composition. Their choice depends on the expected effect.

Texture velvet surface can be obtained by adding metal filings and quartz sand to the basic composition. This composition is an excellent solution for wall decoration.

Staining technology

Staining textured or slate base requires some preparation of the surface and tools. A brush may be required for applying the slate if the surface area is small and a roller if the surface is large. For applying a layer of textured paint, simple or notched spatulas, sponges with stencils, rigid brushes and a structural roller can be used.

The choice of instrument depends on the desire of the owner and the expected effect.

Preparing for staining should begin with cleaning from old coatings. To apply a layer of slate paint, you should rid the surface of irregularities by grinding it with emery paper, especially if the base is silicone.When painting the surface with a textured base, you can remove only large defects, and, if necessary, prime. The paint will be great on the surface of concrete, brick, stone and plasterwithout requiring tedious alignment.

In order for the slate (marker) and structural paint to form an even layer, it is necessary to mix the composition thoroughly, and only after that pour it into the prepared container. Surface painting should begin with hard to reach places, gradually moving to the main surface. After applying the first layer, you need to wait until it is completely dry., and only then apply a second layer.

Useful tips

    Painting and subsequent drying of the surface should take place in a room with a certain microclimate, the air temperature should be at least 10 ° C, and the humidity should not exceed 85%. The surface with a slate effect in 24 hours should be treated with carbonate-calcium chalk, rubbing it with soft circular movements.

    The painted surface can be operated no earlier than after two days.. It is necessary to wait for the complete hardening of the layer.Preparing the composition for painting the surface, you need to correctly calculate the flow. Textured paint has a greater, compared to the slate, the composition of the flow. For staining 1m ² you need at least 600 grams.

    Making chalk paint with your own hands will help you save significant budget funds, and will allow everyone to feel like a designer.

    Master class on the recipe for the smoothest chalk paint with their own hands, see the next video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

    Entrance hall

    Living room
