Glazing of verandas and terraces: features and design options

A huge number of films and illustrations on the theme of a quiet life showcase their own beautifully decorated houses, where people live for their own pleasure. For this reason, it’s deposited in everyone’s head that this is the decisive part of a successful life. In many ways, the terrace or the veranda, which is glazed, gives a feeling of calm and solitude.

Features and benefits

Country houses are built in order to have the opportunity to relax from the everyday hustle and working routine. Therefore, people, not sparing money, improve their homes with all sorts of attributes of coziness and comfort. It is already difficult to imagine a country house without a terrace or veranda, thanks to which a person can relax and enjoy nature.They allow, without departing from civilization, to become part of the natural atmosphere. To fully understand the features of the terrace and veranda, you need to know their definitions.

The terrace is an extension to the house, which in most cases is a platform for relaxation. Such an attached area is a room that is not enclosed from the air, usually equipped with a roof, railings or a special frame. Often, the terrace is located on the ground, since the extension on the ground is quite simple to implement. There are also cases of its location above the ground floor, if the construction of the building allows it. Although the upper floors are usually equipped with a terrace.

The veranda is a specially equipped room without heating.

It is designed in an existing building from the side of the wall that overlooks the street. Also, the veranda can be an extension to the house. Its peculiarity is that it is protected from the street space by glass covering. The advantage is that glass will not prevent merging with nature and enjoying its views.

Veranda and terraced grounds are usually extensions and by definition are very similar.therefore they are often confused. This is due to the fact that despite the severity of the terms, only the owner of the house decides how to organize his own veranda or terrace. That is, the terrace can be glazed, and the veranda can be provided with heating. The extensive experience of the glazing of the extensions made it possible to assign a large number of functions to this coating. Depending on what you want to get from the glazed fence, and select its type.

The main advantage of the glazing site is that it creates an invisible wall that holds back unwanted effects on the room. So, the unpredictable climate and flocks of insects will not be able to disturb the peace. But at the same time, the positive aspects of the recreation areas remain unaffected. After all, visual satisfaction in a glass box is the same as without it. You can fall in love with a feeling in which you can watch the rain and stay dry.

Thanks to the glazing of verandas and terraced areas in the house you can embody a lot of design ideas.

Without extra effort it will be possible to organize a space for a family holiday., social gatherings, bring to life a corner of civilization that will coexist with nature.And only streaks on glasses, which, of course, need to be washed frequently, can prevent this.


Currently, many options for glazing of verandas and terraces are implemented. They are considered individually for each house and in relation to the desire of its owner and largely depend on the design of the existing building where the extension will be organized. But you also need to imagine yourself inside a cozy corner and determine what you will miss. Further, the identified deficiencies can be safely smoothed out or eliminated with the help of glazed walls.

Glazing types can be classified according to the following parameters:

    • temperature regime - cold or warm glazing;
    • covered volume - full or partial glazing;
    • the style of the room is frameless or with frames;
    • visual perception - panoramic or not;
    • opening method - sliding and swing.

    Cold and warm

    The choice between warm and cold glazing is due to the need to use the veranda every season. If you plan to relax on the veranda only in the warm season, there is no need to install warm glazing.It will be enough cold type, in which the temperature on the veranda will be five degrees higher than that on the street. Naturally, in the winter without additional heating on such a site will be undesirable.

    Full and partial

    In the case of full or partial installation of glass, an important role is played by the limitations that the original building structure makes. Full glazing is possible if the veranda is built from scratch. That is, if there is only a base or frame. But the veranda is often built into the already finished house, which means that some walls will be sewn into the foundation. In such a situation, only partial glazing of the site is made.

    Frameless and with frames

    There is no functional need to choose frames or not to choose them. The question, rather, lies in the style of the house and in the design idea. On the one hand, framed glass appears to be a banal design due to the usual appearance of home windows. But many designers perfectly select the frame with which they emphasize the unique features of the room or the surrounding nature. At the same time, frame glazing is put at a cheaper price than frameless. And, accordingly, it is much easier to repair the partially and completely frame construction.

    In the frameless version there are no retaining connections. Not so long ago, the frameless glass coating won the title of an elite exterior in architecture. However, when arranging the veranda, there are some drawbacks - low tightness, which increases heat loss. Also outside it is impossible to hang nets that serve as protection against insects in the room.


    Often, when choosing the type of glazing, preference is given to the panoramic version. The method is simple to perform and allows you to fully feel part of the surrounding natural space. The whole structure is mounted between the finished roof and the foundation of the floor. Also for its implementation requires the absence of embedded walls.

    Sliding and swing

    Regardless of the choice of glazing, the veranda will have to open. The entrance door to the rest area can be arranged in a sliding or hinged way. From the name it is clear that the sliding method of opening involves the opening of the door leaves. For this, compartment doors resembling a train compartment are used.

    The door of the compartment can also be glazed and, according to its purpose, move along guides along the wall.Spreading can occur habitually with the help of additional compartment fittings or by assembling the “accordion” design at the edges of the opening.

    Swing is a glazing in which the door and windows open inward or outward by plowing.

    There is nothing new and unusual here. Everything is the same as with ordinary home windows and doors. We can only advise for personal convenience to use modern swing mechanisms for windows.

    The above methods can glaze both the veranda and the terrace. However, it happens that the necessary attributes of the veranda are not so important for the terrace. For example, a veranda is often erected in the square of a country house, so it will be correct to arrange warm glazing in it. And for the terrace heat is not so important, which means that in this case you can save.

    The choice of method

    The main function of glazing can be called the possibility of retaining heat. So, mainly the choice of glazing is to decide whether to put a warm option or not. Cold glazing is simply a protective coating. It prevents dust, wind, precipitation and has the ability to shade the site in the hot season. It is more suitable if you want to glaze the terrace.

    The veranda is part of the house and is often connected to the heating system.therefore it makes sense to mount a warm glazing. It, in turn, will largely retain heat and allow it to arrive inside the veranda, even in winter. Subsequently, the veranda can become a full-fledged living room and you can even take a nap in it.

    Warm glazing is a complex system that has high operational requirements.

    For this reason, the installation of such glass fencing must be entrusted to professionals. The correct calculation and high-quality installation will allow you to get from the design for the sake of what it is installed.

    Having decided on a functional issue, it is necessary to understand the initial construction of the house. and understand what restrictions in the choice brings the place where it is planned to build glazing for the veranda or terrace. If the rest area in its original form is a frameless free space, then you can give yourself the freedom to choose. Since there are no restrictions in the foundation, you can freely make frameless or frame, full or panoramic or any other glazing.

    In this case, many prefer frameless, full glazing. The basis of such limiters is represented by transparent glass surfaces, the thickness of which is 1 centimeter. Glass squares are closely spaced to each other and firmly sealed at the joints. Fastening is carried out with the help of metal fittings. Everything together provides high tightness, does not allow ingress of unwanted dust particles and rain.

    It may seem that the design is very fragile, but frameless glazing is considered to be of high strength.

    By production special technologies by means of which strengthen material are applied. As a result, the glass coating is almost impossible to break. With full glazing and the absence of frames it will not be difficult to install doors and windows, which should be opening inwards or outwards. The compartment doors in this case are used less frequently.

    Despite the popularity of the frameless version of the arrangement of the veranda, it has some drawbacks. If the house is located near the roads and the active life of the city, then it will be difficult to relax on a fully glazed veranda, because the frameless version has low noise insulation. And it is worth noting that you can wash hardened windows only with gentle cleaning agents.Otherwise, you can ruin the film, which protects against glass scattering.

    Sometimes the veranda is built directly into his home. Then it turns out that the site is fenced with bearing walls, the shape of the room and the like. It is also possible that they plan to glaze the veranda on the second floor. The scope of work in comparison with a one-story house is significantly different. Then, after weighing all the restrictions that dictate the foundation, choose incomplete glazing with frames.

    No problem, the choice is a bit limited. There are many great options for incomplete frame glazing. But the best would be to consult with the designer and specialist in the installation of glass walls.

    They will help you choose the perfect option that will be suitable for your home.

    A significant role in creating high-quality and convenient glazing is occupied by windows. How they will be opened depends on the type of glazing chosen. For example, for glazed walls with frames fit windows with swivel folding system. Today this mechanism is in great demand. This is due to the convenience, which is ensured by the ability to open the flaps in any direction and fold it to the top.

    Such a system is difficult to install on frameless glass surfaces. And in terms of style, the design will not look aesthetically pleasing. The handles of the swivel hinged mechanism will be an eyesore, just as the compartment doors are not combined with the frameless option. However, the experience of glazing is large enough so that you can beat all the visual flaws.

    Manufacturing materials

    The glazing of verandah and terraced arbors is quite popular today. It would seem that glass is the only material that is used in the manufacture of glazing structures. But the design includes many additional details, the quality of which determines the durability of the entire glass wall. In addition, manufacturers offer a list of materials that can replace glass. Moreover, they even surpass the glass in some indicators.

    Quite often, aluminum is used as a raw material for fastening profiles. The advantages of this metal are that it is not susceptible to corrosion, is rather soft and has a small mass. Also speaking about the pros for the consumer,Aluminum products are durable and sold for a very low price. Aluminum is very easy to handle, which allows you to create a profile of any curvature and put removable glass.

    Aluminum profiles are very practical and are often used for glazing sites near cities. Since the rest areas are usually small, sliding systems are used for their glazing. Such systems work perfectly on aluminum profiles. It should be emphasized that the use of this metal is fireproof and very reliable due to the small mass of parts. Among the minuses it should be noted that it is used only for cold glazing.

    Most of the country houses are built from ordinary wood.

    Without departing from the style, the owners of such houses glaze their verandas and terraces with frames. Frame glazing in a wooden house is the most familiar and almost no different from window frames in the apartment room. That is why wooden frames give greater preference, besides glazing the veranda in this way can be done independently.

    Wooden frames will never give up their positionsbecause wood is a natural and durable materialhaving good thermal insulation properties. It is also easy to process, which is important for repair. The downside of such frames is the fact that it is necessary to treat them with special substances against pests. It is also worth noting that the tree does not like moisture, so every time the windows need to be carefully dried.

    Wooden windows do not have these disadvantages. They are the most expensive glazing material. In terms of performance, double-glazed windows are not inferior to wood, they have even greater levels of thermal insulation. And it does not interfere with natural ventilation inside the room. In addition, the production of wooden glass is engaged in many companies. For this reason, there are a lot of interesting models, while in ordinary wooden frames it is difficult to bring something new.

    The most flexible in terms of appearance is plastic glazing.This is the most common and inexpensive option for today. In addition to the vast range of models and colors, plastic has very good performance characteristics. This material is easy to clean, has good thermal insulation.However, there are also disadvantages - it is impossible to eliminate breakages on the spot, it is usually necessary to replace the part completely.

    You should also note the relatively short service life and not a small weight.

    I would like to highlight another interesting material from which so-called soft windows are created. They are PVC films, which are usually shrouded in plastic profiles. Glazing with a soft window is ideal when you need to have both an open gazebo and a closed one at the same time. PVC film is twisted into a roll at the top of the canvas and is easily spread to its original position, tightly fixed at the bottom. The mount is tight enough to install a radiator inside and use the rest area even in winter.

    PVC film is a durable material, but in handling it still requires accuracy. It is easily cleaned from contamination with ordinary soap and water. The only restriction on the use of soft windows is the production standard, according to which the width of the canvas does not exceed 140 cm. And this means that if one fails to fit into one canvas, it will be necessary to fuse two.Such fusion, of course, will leave a visible seam, which is about 30 mm wide.

    But you should not immediately put a cross on PVC, there are many ways to cover and wipe the seams. They can also be hidden with the help of bindings.

    The film can be fastened in different ways, for example, using brackets or straps made of silicone.

    If the film web is removable, it means that it should be fixed from the sides, from where it will be curled. The side in which the roll will be assembled is fixed with eyelets. Sometimes the usual weighting agents come to replace the mounts, if the climate of the area is unusual for strong winds.

    PVC film requires special attention. You need to be careful with sharp objects, they will spoil the film with a light touch. If it is especially cold outside, then it is better not to turn the coating into a roll. There may be problems with the deployment and with the coating of the film itself, if it is less than 15 degrees outside. Unlike glass cloths, you should not lean on the film even with low weight.

    And the youngest option is glazing polycarbonate. It has high strength and is completely unlimited form of the profile.The basis of many design ideas is precisely the glazing polycarbonate. This material is well transmits light, and this should be a playground for recreation. In addition to the light transmission parameter, polymer plastic is fireproof, impact resistant and absolutely not sensitive to strong wind.

    Thanks to the flexible profiles of polymer plastic, it is possible to realize their most incredible ideas for glazing a veranda or terrace.

    Plus, this material can be given a shade, which can also bring a zest to home improvement. Polycarbonate production is a complex process that allows it to subsequently contain ultraviolet rays. And of course, the more complex the production, the more expensive its realization on the market.

    Design examples

    To be inspired and make your gazebo for relaxation is not nearly as good as the pictures, you need to consider several beautiful glazing options.

    Option of a modern country house. The veranda is attached to the wall of the house and serves as a complete rest room. The site is equipped with a warm incomplete panoramic glazing with frames.In this case, the frame does not seem trivial, but on the contrary, on the background of nature look unusual. Despite the severity of style, the veranda is not devoid of natural light.

    For this option, compartment doors were chosen, which is ideally suited to the modern style of the veranda itself. It is worth noting that when designing your own veranda, it is important to have a visual impression. The room should not strain, so you need to pay due attention to the selection of colors.

    Undoubtedly, noteworthy version of the summer terrace.

    It is attached to the house and fully glazed. Perhaps it is even too light a rest room. Such a veranda will be a godsend for family gatherings, a joy for the kids. Also here you can get an indelible impression of the evening spent in the open air.

    The roof and windows of this summer veranda are made of polycarbonate material. The interior of the room carries a positive, relaxed mood. It is safe to say that this is another room in a country house. Glazing is made with frames in the panoramic version. Thus, a full garden view is provided.

    The next version of the veranda, attached to the cottage.The frame of the room is fully assembled with the help of wood, like the summer house itself. Thanks to this interior design, the veranda turns into a magical light corner of comfort. Again, the glass is seated in a frame. With the right vision of the designer, the frames will never seem superfluous.

    Considering the possible options, you can not do without polycarbonate glazing, as it carries a novelty and a modern style. In this embodiment, a complete glazing with curved profiles of glass sheets is presented. Perhaps the space inside the veranda is too limited, but it can expand if you use sliding windows.

    So the veranda combines both a gazebo in the open air and a modest pressurized room for rest.

    Such a room will always be bright, but not hot. If it rains or snows suddenly, nothing threatens you inside the polycarbonate coating. Thanks to the curved glass, moisture and dirt will not accumulate on the surfaces, they will simply roll down to the ground.

    And finally, consider the dacha terrace, which was built outside the perimeter of a country house. This terrace has the function of a cozy corner in which it is pleasant to be alone and think.It is designed without the intervention of professionals, but, nevertheless, at a very high level. Glazing in this embodiment is made partially and on the basis of PVC film. As you can see, it is not much different from ordinary glass.

    The process of glazing the terrace, you can see in the following video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

    Entrance hall

    Living room
