Roll insulation: features and benefits

No matter how new the house in which you plan to buy or have already purchased an apartment, is always the question of noise isolation. Someone from the neighbors can go repair, and who knows how long it will last. A crying child at night or a dog that is bored during the day can also be a serious cause for irritation. In order not to worry about the extraneous noise, and also not to become a cause for irritation of others, you can use roll noise insulation.

Types of noise

There are many sounds that can be classified as noises. They can all be divided into two categories.

  • Aerial. Noise carried by the air, these include various kinds of talk, shouting, sounds of music and laughter. This noise penetrates the room through cracks and cracks that form in the walls and when windows open.
  • Drums. These are noise transmitted by vibrations over ceilings and walls.They are generated during a rough impact on the surface. For example, from the work of perforator, subwoofer, slamming of doors, trampling and jumping.

To measure the noise level, regardless of its origin, special equipment is used, which may belong to one of the following categories:

  • professional - is the most expensive;
  • domestic - in a more affordable price range, up to 2 thousand rubles.

The principle of operation of all devices is the same regardless of the price category. They convert the vibrations of the membrane, which catches sound waves, into electric current and measure the amplitude of its vibrations. The higher it is, the higher the electric current. The measurement results are displayed on an electronic scoreboard.

According to the SNiP in the daytime, the noise level in residential premises should not exceed fifty-five decibels. Which is equivalent to working on a typewriter or a light hand clapping on the table.

At night, the noise level should not exceed forty decibels (talk), the noise threshold recommended by law is equal to the usual whisper or twenty-five decibels. Unfortunately, in most cases, these requirements are not met.Often it is not in noisy neighbors, but in thin walls and partitions, through holes for electrical boxes and outlets. Often sound insulation is worse than the expectations or projections of the developer.

Noise insulation materials

Depending on the operating principle, noises can be divided into two groups such as:

  • noise insulation - They are used for outdoor work to protect the house from external noise. The thicker such material, the higher the insulating properties. Often they are used in special designs.
  • sound absorbing - These materials that absorb sound waves and prevent them from spreading outside the room. They are of two types: fibrous or cellular. Often used in rooms with musical instruments.

Sound insulation materials can be divided into many categories according to various criteria. The main ones are the following:

  • in rolls;
  • in the plates;
  • sealants;
  • mastics;
  • liquid;
  • foam.

The ideal option for use in the apartment is considered to be roll insulation. It is becoming more and more popular due to the fact that not only contributes to the improvement of sound insulation indicators.

Modern insulation in rolls can maintain heat and provide waterproofing of protected surfaces.

The material of manufacture includes the following:

  • bung;
  • polyurethane foam materials;
  • polyurethane;
  • polypropylene polymers;
  • monopolyethylene;
  • bituminous polymers.

The structures of such materials can be divided into three categories such as:

  • porous;
  • perforated;
  • membrane.

The advantages of sound insulation in rolls are as follows:

  • quick installation;
  • inexpensive price;
  • installation that does not require special skills.


In the market today there is a wide choice of noise insulation in rolls. On average, the price of one roll varies within a thousand and four hundred rubles. There are several of the most popular options for roll noise insulation.


This material is produced in Spain by Texsa. Membranes are used as an independent insulation, and together with other materials as a component of a multilayer coating. Tecsound is a high density membrane with a thickness of three point seven centimeters. It has a noise reduction level of 25–28 dB. If you need to get rid of the impact of noise, it is better to use the membrane together with vibration-proof materials that have the same properties.

Tecsound is used to protect walls and floors, and as the base can be used screed, plywood or particleboard.

The material burns poorly and has antiseptic properties due to which it is not exposed to rot, mildew and fungus.


Produced by the company "Rus Korda". This is a multi-layered material. It consists of an outer coating, a spunbond fabric is used for this, and a fiberglass filler that absorbs sound. It is used both on smooth surfaces, such as walls or floors, and on curved ones, for example, to insulate structural elements. It is suitable for both horizontal and vertical use, under any of the coatings, such as plaster or drywall. If the material is supposed to be used for sound insulation of the floor, then before pouring it is necessary to put waterproofing.

Rolls are made in standard sizes 10x1.5x0.01 meters.

It is worth noting that the manufacturer does not produce material of other forms. From which it follows that all the proposed mats or pillows are fakes.

TermoZvukoIzol has excellent vapor permeability and non-inflammability characteristics, as well as thermal insulation.This is one of the most popular materials for sound insulation.


This is material from Maxforte. It has a low level of sound permeability and a high level of sound absorption. Due to these properties, it is used in rooms with high requirements for acoustics, such as cinemas, concert halls, recording studios and apartment buildings. This is a kind of unique material for which a patent was obtained and which has no analogues in European countries and Russia. Standart is produced on a rubber base with a thickness of up to twelve millimeters.

The material belongs to the combustible group G1, that is, fireproof. Nor does it react with coatings such as cement, gypsum and lime. It is suitable for use in both residential and industrial premises.

"Acoustic C 350"

This is a self-adhesive film in rolls from the company "TechnoNicol". It is made on a metallized base with a bitumen coating. It is mainly used for insulation of warm floors, including those with liquid filling.


Experts advise to make the following preparations before installation, that will ensure maximum sound insulation:

  • removing the old coating;
  • dismantling of sockets and switches;
  • dismantling of wires (it is first necessary to disconnect them);
  • increasing the length of the wires with regard to insulation;
  • insulation of bare wires;
  • filling irregularities with cement mortar.

After that, you need to stick on the wall or floor soundproof membrane. Each manufacturer offers installation instructions for the material, through which it is possible to significantly facilitate installation.

For details on the roll insulation from Tecsound, as well as the installation process, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
