Penecrete suture waterproofing: technical characteristics and application features

Porous substrates need penetrating waterproofing, which penetrates inside the surface, while filling the voids, which makes it possible to displace the liquid. Such compounds are excellent for protecting concrete bases from moisture. They have a common name - "Penetron."

The principle of operation and features

Penetrating mixtures have their own distinctive features in comparison with other materials for waterproofing. Their task is not to form on the basis of a moisture barrier film - the compounds are simply absorbed into the material.

Preparation of surfaces for work with the majority of compositions assumes preliminary drying of a basis. In the case of penetrating insulation, on the contrary, during processing it is necessary to wet the surface.It is due to water that the waterproofing elements are bound, and insoluble particles fill the pores of the base, while occupying the entire free area, and this effect lasts for a long period of time. This helps to protect the foundation, which is located under the concrete, from moisture.

Due to the fact that liquids cannot penetrate through the concrete layer, the reinforcement remains safe and the occurrence of corrosion occurs more slowly.

Components in the composition of the waterproofing mixture increase the resistance of the base to frost and chemical compounds, as well as its strength. After processing, the concrete does not emit toxic substances, it is safe from the point of view of radioactivity, therefore the compositions are suitable for various purposes. In addition, the vapor permeability of the base is preserved - concrete is able to "breathe."

The condition for the use of the mixture is the absence of deformation, cracks and seams. The composition is distinguished by its plasticity and due to this it is convenient to use.

Penecrete suture waterproofing does not shrink, perfectly adheres to surfaces not only of concrete, but also of brick, stone and metals, it is durable and reliable. Penecrete should be used together with the "Penetron".Ecological purity of the composition is confirmed by certificates of conformity, so they can be used for waterproofing of drinking water supply. Also, it should be noted the affordable price of suture waterproofing of this brand.


To work with suture waterproofing Penecrete, it is necessary to study the instruction and the composition of consumption per 1 m2. Other important information will also be needed, such as density, moisture level, time required for setting.

Externally, Penecrete is a dry, free-flowing gray powder. Its structure is even, impurities and lumps are not present in the composition. Humidity should not be higher than 0.3%, and the time for setting is up to 1.5 hours depending on the water temperature. The density of the mixture - 1300 kg per 1 cu. The adhesion to the base has a strength of 2 MPa, which grows to 25 MPa after a month.

Developers appreciate the advantages of this suture waterproofing. The composition is considered one of the most popular for the treatment of seams, cracks and joints. It withstands high fluid pressure, is durable and does not pose a health hazard. Penecrete can be used in combination with various building materials., it does not lose its properties over a long period of time. If, in the absence of structurally durable concrete, it is impossible to use penetrating waterproofing Penecrete, experts recommend using the material “Scrap”.

The life of the waterproofing will be equal to the service life of the concrete base.

It should be borne in mind that the processing of such a composition can significantly extend the time of operation. The composition is packaged in packages weighing 5, 10 and 25 kg, which allows the consumer to purchase goods in the required quantity.

Instructions for use

Like any building material, the composition has its own technology of application. She should definitely follow to obtain the best quality results.

The first step in applying the Penecrete suture waterproofing is the preparation of the substrate. The surface is stitched, the cross section should be 25x25 mm. Then it is thoroughly cleaned from concrete chips, dust and dirt with a brush having a metallic pile. The composition should be applied to a pre-moistened surface, which should be covered with a single layer of primer.

Instructions for the preparation of the composition indicated on the package. However, you can highlight the main points.

The mixture should be used within 30 minutes after it is diluted with water. For this reason, it is not necessary to immediately prepare a large amount of material.

The most favorable water temperature is considered to be about 20 degrees. If it is lower, then the process of setting the solution will take a longer time. At higher values, the setting time will be much less.

The composition is mixed in proportions of about 0.2 liters of water per 1 kg of the mixture. If viewed in a ratio, it will look like 1: 4, respectively. Within two minutes, the solution must be mixed to achieve a thick consistency, reminiscent of clay. To preserve the viscosity of the product, periodically you need to repeat mixing. Experts do not recommend diluting the finished solution with water - this can damage its properties.

To apply the composition of Penecrete it is necessary to withstand temperature conditions. The air should not be colder than +5 degrees. After applying, you need to manually fill the gates - this can be done with a spatula.The single layer should not be thicker than 30 mm; there can be several layers in deep strobes.

Another option is to add washed fine crushed stone to the mixture. Its size must be at least 5 and not more than 10 mm. The volume of rubble can be half of the solution itself. After 2 hours, the surface is richly moistened and Penetron mixture is applied to it. The consumption of waterproofing Penecrete will be in the range of 1.5 kg.

Scope of a sutural waterproofing of Penecrete is rather wide. It can be used when working with wells, which consist of rings on the basis of reinforced concrete, for the treatment of foundations and buildings, water storage tanks and pools. In addition, the composition is used to waterproof various joints, floor screeds, car parks, fire tanks. And this is not a complete list of material use areas.

Care Tips

Penecrete for waterproofing seams is used quite often. In order to prevent mistakes in its application, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions, as well as follow the advice of experts. For example, the treated surface must be protected from any mechanical effects.Temperature condition within 3 days from the moment of processing should not be below +5 degrees.

An important point is the periodic wetting of the surface for 3 days. To create a wet microclimate, you can use plastic wrap or just spray water with a spray gun.


When using waterproofing Penecrete experts recommend working in rubber gloves that are resistant to alkalis. Portland cement, which is in the composition of the insulator, can have a negative impact on the eyes and skin. If the ingredients come into contact with water, an alkaline compound is formed.

In case of contact with the open areas of the body, it is recommended to rinse them thoroughly with water. If necessary, consult a doctor.

According to consumer reviews, the use of Penecrete does not cause problems, but you must have specialized knowledge and skills so that the result will please you for many years.

For more information about suture waterproofing Penecrete, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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